You are on strong ground at least financially in asking for such a project to be at least considered.
At AGM 2014 the Committee put forward a paper on the financial management of the Association which was formally approved by the members. The document is still available on the web site under JRA Documents. It included:
"Rather, we believe that the general reserves should be used towards significant projects in pursuit of our Aims and Objectives. We wish to encourage such projects. Some possible projects might include:
• further digitisation of the books in our library;
• production of supplements to Practical Junk Rig;
• publication of a history of the development of the western junk rig;
• production of videos of modern junk rigs in action;
• further computerisation or digitisation of our proceedings;
• j u n k r i g r e s e a r c h a n d development;
• etc, etc.
If we are successful in encouraging such projects, there could be significant expenditure and hence a reduction in our general reserves ie an excess of expenditure over income for the Association as a whole. We believe that this should not then be viewed as a “loss” but as a gain in terms of our useful activities."
And our Constitution 2012 states:
"The Aims and Objects of the JRA are:
3.1 to promote and encourage discussion of junk rig (JR), including its traditional use, its design, and developments of it, and of the building and use of vessels with such rigs and their derivatives.
3.2 to facilitate contact and communication between members of the Association."
Good luck and Fair Winds