Some questions must include – how much would the membership of the JRA gain from the various experiments or measurements? How many members would even understand let alone gain benefit from the effort? I'm not talking down to the members here but simply recognising that most members want to enjoy the advantages of the rig but may not be too bothered about the full technical elements. As there are so few actually experimenting with new rigs I question that there would be any significant gain from potentially significant expenditure. Although I have a formal technical background I cannot see any return on any funds spent this way. Is it not up to any member how has this interest to fund it themselves, cheaply as discussed below, just as those of us who risked our own funds building experimental rigs paid for experience out of our own pockets? I have yet to make any financial gain from the split rig, nor do I seek it, and no-one sponsored it for me.
The racing is largely non technical, involves little extra expense (apart from entry fees which hurt) and is a bit of fun that everyone can understand, and gives a target to aim for. Data plotting would not have to be expensive in this computing age and could be easily be achieved by the few who would be interested (and possibly cost them less than the race entry fees we have paid).
All that is required is the measurement of 1) boat speed through the water, 2) relative wind speed and 3) relative wind direction. Feed these three parameters through a suitable interface, possibly even a cheap Raspberry Pi, into a laptop computer/ tablet, and use the available (free?) software to log and produce polar diagrams. All three parameters can easily be obtained from simple DIY devices so money does not necessarily have to be spent on expensive commercial units.
Boat speed could be taken from a simple trailed log, even with a home made propeller made from 15 mm copper pipe with the aid of a mitre block made of wood with 3 nails, and fitted with a wooden or plastic nose cone (as I have done in the past). The boat end only needs a bicycle wheel hub and a bike speedometer or a alternatively a reed relay or field effect transistor. Total cost for materials could be around £10, the log line being a significant part of it!
The wind speed/ direction could be a unit fitted to a boat hook mounted vertically above the pulpit for windward measurements, and to the pushpit for broad reaching and running measurements.
In the 50s/60s our model flying club had an anemometer made from 3 half table tennis balls and a small geared DC motor (Mighty Midget) feeding a sensitive voltmeter. Calibrated from a slowly moving car in calm conditions, it worked well. A modern version could use reed relay, bicycle speedometer or hall effect transistor to feed directly into the interface. Again we're talking pennies.
The wind direction would be the most complicated requiring either a 360° potentiometer, which would suffer from friction and wear, or a synchro, or a multi element light sensitive diode setup, to get the required sensitivity, all of which is not impossible. A magnetometer system might also be made to work, though dip angle and healing would undoubtedly produce significant errors. Again the work is not beyond the realms of human possibility, nor the frugal pocket.
This was a route I had considered even though Poppy came with full racing instruments, and with present day computing convenience I would now take the NMEA signal stream straight to a computer. Still, the racing way has produced the most interest for the general membership, the most publicity for the rig and fun for the participants.
Edward and I did fit a spring balance water-speed device to Amiina, but it was more fun just to try to sail the boat well. The expanded scale relative wind direction of the VMG meter was the most useful instrument on Poppy and was a great help in keeping her within the 'groove'. That is the most important information for close hauled sailing, and where a good wind vane steering gear is so good, as Bunny Smith knew. Edward and I must get that project back in action again soon.
On a slightly different tack (pun intended), in the first Island Race in Amiina we were 5+ hours into the race at the east end of the island and sailing rather badly (sails stalled) into a horrible choppy sea churned up by the many boats about us. The chop was simply stopping the light weight boat with stalled sails and it was awful, when a beautiful bow came slicing into my peripheral vision. It was a FolkBoat pointing higher than we were and going like a train, as if the water was as flat as a mill pond. Beautifully sailed, it was impressive and made us wake up a little, but the interesting point was that it had started the race some time earlier than we had and was handicapped as faster (which it should be) so we were actually miles ahead of it in race position. The point of this is that sea state and crew alertness have such a big effect on the instantaneous performance that I believe it would be difficult to get useful information from data logging and polar plots. Surely it is more important to get out there and turn heads. With a good rig you get very funny looks when you overtake a boat which is flying a cruising chute. They don't like it!
Ten minutes on Google produced the following web sites which may be a start for those interested in cost effective instrumentation.
Cheers, Slieve.
P.S. In answer to Arne's comments on racing boats, which I fully agree with, given unlimited funds my ideal small boat would be, wait for it, a FolkBoat fitted with a split junk rig. (Who said Jester?) I'm sure that that would turn heads.