Bryan Tuffnell wrote:
Any decent wind tunnel allows pitch, roll, yaw, heave, surge, sway, AoA and velocity changes, including rate changes; that's their role. Dynamic testing in a tunnel is intended to give results whereby the variables are reproducible, controllable and quantified, free from the noise and scatter that plagues 'real world' testing in an unstable environment.
Most engineering universities seem to have a suitable tunnel, and there's usually enough students looking for a project to generate more help than is needed! I've never paid for tunnel time, even when using one for commercial purposes.
Hi Bryan,
You make a very interesting suggestion. You clearly have the experience to supervise such a project. Would you be willing to take it on, i.e. to supervise the student(s)?
I was of the opinion that renting a wind tunnel would be prohibitively expensive, but if we can persuade a student to do it for us as part of their degree project, then it potentially becomes very economical.
Although the points raised by David & Slieve about real world conditions are very valid, it would still be very interesting to have well documented lift and drag curves from zero to stall for the various rigs developed since Joddy Chapman's MSc. I think that would not need an MSC student but would be suitable for an undergraduate final year project to test, for example, a flat junk, a cambered panel junk, a bendy and/or hinged batten junk, a split rig junk, an aerojunk, and a wingsail junk, i.e. up to 7 different types, and possibly more. The tunnel needs to be as big as possible to minimise the scaling issues.
Even stable airflow tests would be worth doing, although if we can get dynamic testing as well, so much the better. Making these undergraduate projects will lead to shorter reports! As we have seen, MSc's create meatier tomes than we really want.
Naturally I think a wind tunnel programme should happen in parallel with real world instrumented testing as originally proposed, especially if it is effectively free, as Bryan suggests it should be.