I would like to see some organisation going into this - the original suggestion at the AGM was for a sub-committee to be set up, and that seems to me to be the best way forward, yet we are still to see invitations or appointments to such a committee, or its terms of reference drawn up.
Despite being introduced in the Any Other Business section of the AGM (no voting possible, remember) the suggestion appears to have been waived through without further consideration. Asking Peter Hill if he would volunteer to chair the sub-committee does not, in my view, constitute his appointment thereto, and I do not feel it is in the gift of the chair of the AGM to confer such a position. The Committee is currently being asked to consider, and vote on (see Committee Room section of this website), Alan Boswell's lengthy submission on a stand-alone instrumentation option, which effectively takes the decision away from any nascent sub-committee.
I don't feel so far that anyone has explained, in readily accessible terms, what concrete data any of the various proposals will provide, or how reliable that data will be, or how it will benefit the ordinary Member, whose boat may be anything from 15' to 50', or beyond.
So, let's start at the beginning :-
1. The Committee need to approach prospective sub-committee members (direct approaches to likely candidates, plus an open invitation to all Members) to get as broad and as experienced a bunch of people as possible.
2. From those volunteering the Committee need to choose the sub-committee members, and sound out and appoint one of them to head the sub-committee's technical work, and also appoint an existing Committee Member to act as overall chair and liaise with the Committee and the Membership.
3. The fully constituted sub-committee should then consider all the alternative methodologies suggested, with their pros and cons and rough costings, and decide on their preferred option. Each option needs to be explained in good seamanlike language to the Membership and Committee, with the reasons for its rejection or proposed adoption, including adequately detailed preliminary costings, the exact nature of the benefits it will provide for the general Membership, and why it represents good value for money.
4. Since any subsequent testing regime will take a big bite out of the accumulated funds of the Association I think it is only fair that the chosen option be then fully costed, including a realistic contingency for overspending, and the final decision for approval to be made by a vote of the Membership.
As a general principle I think we should presume that volunteers should not be paid for their time/effort, e.g. in building and/or sailing a "fleet" of test bed boats. I am also concerned at the suggestion of an open-ended commitment to the cost of travel for a visiting "expert" to set up an instrument package - it should be feasible for any experienced boat owner to set up the gear under remote guidance, and if such confidence is lacking nearby Members may be called upon to assist.