The 5ps means the file was read into Polauto at 5 lines per second. This roughly corresponds to one wind speed and direction reading per second. Boat speed is being transmitted less frequently as described on the web page. That's why we need a better multiplexer.
Polauto offers a range of data reading speeds from 1 line (NMEA sentence) per second up to 100 per second. I used 100 to start with, because it is quick, but then I realised it was missing out about 95% of the data. The multiplexer outputs about 5 to 7 lines per second.
There are typically 90,000+ lines of data per tack per boat, so it takes about 6-8hrs to process and produce the polar for one tack on one boat at 5 lines per second. At 1 per sec it would take 30 to 40 hrs, and it wouldn't improve the results. I started including the 5ps in the title to distinguish these files from ones run at 100 per second which I use as a quick check after a run.
I thought it would be interesting to find a way to make a comparison of the results and polars for different boats which is more meaningful. Obviously the size of the boat affects the speed it will go, and this is related to the square root of waterline length. In order to make some allowance for a boat having short or long overhangs, I used a length equal to 1/3 of the overall length plus 2/3 of the waterline length. As the boats tested so far are scattered around the 25ft length, I used this as the "standard" length, and "adjusted" the boats speeds up and down pro rata, i.e. Correction = 5/ sqrt L.
In the same way, I looked at the sail area to displacement ratio, which also has a big effect on performance, and took a value of 18 as being mid range, and adjusted the boats up or down to that. Correction = 18/(SA/D ratio)
I then combined (multiplied together) these two correction factors to produce a single correction factor. These correction factors are listed in the data sheet for the tested boats which you can see here:
This table of boat data can also be accessed from the Sailing Performance web page. Most of the data was gathered from, except for the junk rig sail areas which come from the owners.
We can have a long and fascinating debate about these correction figures, and I now think the SA/D correction is probably too big, but I have decided to focus for the moment on fairing the raw data polars because the filtering process just seems to make the polars spikier, which is the opposite of what I had hoped it would achieve.
In any case, the critical component for comparing windward performance between boat/rig combinations is the angle (range) for optimum VMG, which is not affected by these calculations as they only affect the boat speed.
The new log is said by JGTech to be on it's way, and can be combined with the new float when both are ready. We will then have to arrange a calibration session in still current free water. We will also have to install and set up the new multiplexer (which I have not ordered yet as still researching options). Hopefully it will all be done by next spring so we can start testing again then.