Weathercocking: Yes, it seemed to me that the sail did not want to go into the wind. Weather was very calm (1-2bft).
When the wind increased a little bit, the sail even came in close to the centerline of the boat.
When the wind became a little bit stronger, the boat heeled due to the increased pressure, now more from the side, and rushed away. Normally one would steer now to windward but no way to get around, no reaction when letting the sheets go, the sail did not swing out. Only 2 possibilities left: jibing or taking the sail down. My first trial was on a river near the waterfront, jibing was not more possible, thanks to the junkrig the sail came down in less than a second and saved the boat.
As I could not make any changes last year because the jibs and main were fixed together (sewn at the lower end of the toppanel), the only way to reduce leehelm was to move the whole unit back. Leehelm was a little bit reduced but still severe. When the wind got stronger tacking was still not possible. Maybe this would not be an issue on another boat (Farthing has a long keel and holds course well, secondary she was not fully loaded which means she has a very sensible trim = stem comes out of the water, stern sinks and so the CLR moves aft). I decided to have a good deal of weatherhelm to be safe, so I reduced the balance between jib and main. The lead between CE and CLR is now at 15% of the waterline, which seems to be ok for a longkeeled boat, if I am not wrong. For the next trial I did not join the "new" jibs and main, they will be fixed together when all is like I prefer.