Max (and Min) Aspect for Split rig?

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  • 08 Oct 2016 16:43
    Reply # 4297041 on 4295653

    OK then. How about less than 100 yards?


    PS. or even feet?

  • 08 Oct 2016 15:23
    Reply # 4296908 on 4295653
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    .. could someone possibly be struggling with the metric system :-) ? ... 

  • 08 Oct 2016 15:18
    Reply # 4296907 on 4295653

    I wouldn't like to be too specific, but I think that you should aim for the mast to be less than 100 meters tall. 120 meters is certainly excessive.

    Cheers, Slieve

  • 07 Oct 2016 18:09
    Message # 4295653
    Deleted user

    I'm getting ready to layout the new bulkheads in Mudita, which requires a decision for final mast placement.  Which requires a decision on sail area and aspect ratio.

    For interior design issues, I'm trying to get the mast as far aft as is practical , perhaps even saving some space forward so I can put a smallish hatch on the coach roof.   A man can dream, right?

    So the higher the AR, the further aft I can put the mast and the better my options inside.  I'm thinking that things might get a bit difficult with a 120 meter tall mast on a 10 meter boat, though.  I'm aiming to keep around 56 sq m of sail. 

    So what do we think are the practical AR and mast height limits for a split rig sail?

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