Annie Hill wrote:Wouldn't it be great if Trevor Leek put either an Ingerborg rig, or David's improved sail on Jester, to see what a difference it would make? If Jester would perform anything like Arne's and David's boats, it would do a lot to make people realise what a realistic alternative junk is to bermudan rigs.
Wouldn't it be great if Trevor, and therefore Jester, were in the JRA?
Even if Trevor just put camber into
Jester's existing rig it would make a lot of difference to windward. I don't think camber makes any difference in speed once the wind is 70 degrees off the bow, so added sail area might help there, although I see that as less important since the rig is very powerful when the wind is free.
Mast position may be another issue. I have come to the conclusion after sailing Arion 2000 miles at sea with my new flat sail that I have more weatherhelm now when broad reaching and running. The centre of area is the same as it was for my cambered sail but I suspect that the centre of pressure of a cambered sail is further forward. On the flat sail it is in the same place as the centre of area but on a cambered sail I think it may trend towards the point of deepest camber, which on Arion would put it about 500mm further forward. Unfortunately, my sail is already as far forward as I can get it so I just have to reef earlier downwind. That's ok, as, like Roger Taylor, I like to keep things soft and gentle, reducing stress on rig and crew.
Still, it would be fun to see Jester screaming around with a big rig, although Trevor might disagree!