Could this type of boat be converted to a junk rig ?

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  • 21 May 2016 16:27
    Reply # 4032211 on 4032014
    Deleted user

    Thanks David,

    To make a safe rig, I think I should to ask for help to an architect, isn't it ?

    I am used to design and build my own plywood dinghies with balanced rigs but there is a big difference with a cruiser boat for a family...

    This beautiful JR is a Hasler/McLeod JR ?


  • 21 May 2016 11:28
    Reply # 4032025 on 4032014

    Very interesting, Renaud!

    Yes, I think she can be converted to junk. Because the Centre of Lateral Resistance is well aft, I think the mainmast will have to move back to station 5, which is the usual place for a Hasler/McLeod schooner, and it will have to carry a mainsail that is a little larger than usual - maybe 70% of the sail area? Both masts would be vertical, and the foremast, carrying 30% of the sail area, would be about where it is now.

  • 21 May 2016 10:47
    Message # 4032014
    Deleted user

    I had the opportunity to buy a 12 meters plywood boat, built in 1992 (she is very cheap). She has traditional shape (initially with balanced lugs).

    What's she inspire to you ? She can be converted to junk rig ? The result will be elegant ?

    Thanks and sorry for my poor english...


    Last modified: 22 May 2016 13:23 | Deleted user
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