Yard sling ideas?

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  • 05 May 2016 16:21
    Reply # 4004426 on 4003031

    It's good to use a Spectra/Dyneema span, certainly, as not only do you spread the load, but you have easy adjustability of the halyard thimble position - before the alpine butterfly knot has pulled up so tight that you can't shift it!

    But as you say, the bolt rope makes things difficult. My best effort is this: because the load has been spread, the bending moment at the two attachment points has been decreased. Boring a small hole through the yard horizontally and on the median line won't weaken it in the vertical direction, and will have little detrimental effect in the horizontal direction. You'll only need 5mm line, at most, as the breaking load is so high, so you should be able to push it through a 6mm hole. You might want to add a small glass/epoxy bandage in way of the holes.

  • 04 May 2016 22:51
    Message # 4003031
    Deleted user
    I'd like a good permanent solution to slinging Fantail's yard further aft than it's designed point. The yard is a classic PJR with a groove for a boltrope, and I'd like to run a spectra strop between the one third and two third H points on the yard, and alpine butterfly a thimble at the halyard point. I'm scratching my head to come up with the least intrusive way of attaching the strip to the yard.

    Two considerations: the boltrope prohibits wrapping the yard, and the scantlings of the yard are intended for a central sling. The solution that involves the minimum of holes and hardware wins.


    Last modified: 04 May 2016 22:53 | Deleted user
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