SibLim - planking the hull

  • 27 Jun 2016 07:02
    Reply # 4103416 on 4102943
    Deleted user
    Arne Kverneland wrote:
    Annie Hill wrote:That's why I said it :-D!  If you look, you will see that I've done my best to clean it up as though it will be on daily display.

    Any of our Kiwi Junkies who have been on board Footprints will know that she is a beautifully built boat with wonderful joinery and no excess un-cleaned-up glue anywhere. Not so, there have been a few nooks and crannies I have looked into which have certainly not been cleaned up all that well, but the stuff which is on daily display is great, so it is all good enough for me.
  • 27 Jun 2016 04:26
    Reply # 4103283 on 4102943
    Deleted user
    Arne Kverneland wrote:
    (..girls  -  they are all mental cases  -  when will they learn the term "good enough"?)
    I know one that did! ;D
  • 26 Jun 2016 23:27
    Reply # 4102943 on 4102893
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Annie Hill wrote:That's why I said it :-D!  If you look, you will see that I've done my best to clean it up as though it will be on daily display.

    (..girls  -  they are all mental cases  -  when will they learn the term "good enough"?)

    Seriously, it isn't easy to decide for a standard of finish. All I know is that a furniture standard of finish will slow down any boatbuilding project. You have been warned.

    Cheers, and good luck!


  • 26 Jun 2016 22:24
    Reply # 4102893 on 3779106
    That's why I said it :-D!  If you look, you will see that I've done my best to clean it up as though it will be on daily display.
  • 26 Jun 2016 10:02
    Reply # 4102469 on 3779106
  • 26 Jun 2016 02:48
    Reply # 4102162 on 3779106
    This week's batch of photos can be seen here.  The big news is that the hull is now closed in - but not yet finished because there is a second layer of 6mm ply to be fitted.

    In the meantime, the yard workers have started on the final shaping of the three plates that make up the keel as can be seen here:

  • 21 Jun 2016 23:42
    Reply # 4090631 on 4087960
    David Tyler wrote:

    "To my astonishment, the whole thing looks remarkably fair!"

    - indeed it does, and she's going to be a pretty little ship. Did you have to adjust the curvature on the edges of those forward bulkheads that we added as a result of making the model?

    Yes, indeed we did, David.  Marcus did the fairing here: it's really difficult.  Bulkheads 0 and 1 are actually slightly too small - we couldn't get any bevel on the plywood.  Fortunately, I'd been generous with the framing.  The bevel on the chine log between bulkhead 3 and the bow would have been beyond my skills, I believe - or at least there would have been a lot of thick epoxy required.  It curves in both planes and finally, has to end up butted to the topside panel, as you can see in the photos.  The temporary bulkhead at No 2 was more trouble than it was worth and I removed it before putting the first layer of 6mm on the starboard side.   Putting in the bilge stringer corrected the shape, making the required curve as it was forced into place.  (Incidentally, you forgot that a floor is required abaft no 2, for the keel bolts! No problem: I've been given some purple heart which will be perfect for the job.) 

    I actually have tortured the 12mm on the topsides panel - there is a hollow in it, which looks great.  It took quite a lot of work to achieve that and I'm going to put dowels at 100 mm intervals all around this area, through the framing and bulkheads, before I final fair the hull.  In fact, I'm going to glue in 'trunnels' at 300 mm centres all along the framing.  Belt and braces!

  • 21 Jun 2016 09:11
    Reply # 4087960 on 3779106

    "To my astonishment, the whole thing looks remarkably fair!"

    - indeed it does, and she's going to be a pretty little ship. Did you have to adjust the curvature on the edges of those forward bulkheads that we added as a result of making the model?

  • 20 Jun 2016 01:34
    Reply # 4084927 on 3779106

    Marvelous photos! It's so exciting to see it coming along.



  • 19 Jun 2016 21:52
    Reply # 4084755 on 3779106
    Thank you, David.  Yes, it's very exciting, but as well as 6 more pieces of ply to fit, there's quite a lot of nit-picking work to do before I can get the glass on!  Still, we are actually starting to talk about rolling the boat over.  And how this is going to be done!
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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