Glenn, thank you for that. At times progress seems glacial.
The SibLim Club has two new members, JRA members Phil and Mark (Icebreaker). They helped fit the skegs and started planing the lower chine log.

However, this threw up an issue: for some reason, station 2 is incorrect and will need quite a bit of adjustment around the bilge panel. But it also caused the chine logs to land in the wrong place. I was a bit concerned when I was fitting them, because they needed a lot of force to put them in place, but it was Phil who made me realise that Something Was Wrong, when he was trying to mark a fair line along the log. So we tried fitting the pre-cut plywood for the bottom and found that the logs didn't even touch it!
To cut a long story short, I widened the notch at this station and cut the logs free. They jumped about 12mm inboard with a shout of relief! However, they were still a bit shy of the bottom panel, so I've had to laminate a new length of wood along their inboard edge. This is what comes of being the first builder of a new design! Visitors who have built their own boat, have reassured me by recounting similar experiences.