I suppose I ought to point out that one of my big motivations is experimentation.
I've seen debates on these forums about whether 10% camber is too much, or whether split rigs are any good offshore, and so on. The things is it's very hard to draw any real scientific conclusions, given that it takes a lot of effort to build a rig.
So I suppose I'm trying to think of a way of building a "test rig" that I can mess around with, where I can sail with different camber or sail plans on the same day in the same conditions with the same boat.
There more to this than I've explained in my post, too. I have ideas for easily changed sheeting systems, for example. Adjustable mast rake I've mentioned before. I'd like to carry a set of same-length "universal" battens that I can try out with different shaped panels, even if they end up sticking out a bit with some plans.
What I might end up with is the worst of everything, but it might be interesting nonetheless.