I am thinking about replacing the flat sail that came with my boat by a split junk. I am wondering where the centre of effort will end up, though. At https://app.box.com/files/0/f/3345047180/1/f_28035475082 I have a photo of the boat on the left. On the right there is a transparent outline of the sail, moved to the same relation to the mast as on the photo. In practice, I have not bothered with the luff hauling parrels, because even when I leave them alone and the sail moves about 50cm forward, so that the first vertical seam is just before the mast, the boat still has a bit more weather helm than I like.
The yellow sail is an outline of a possible split junk. It's luff is in the same position to the mast (in white, ignore the yellow mast) as the flat sail when I use it. So as far as the distribution of the area is concerned, I should be safe from lee helm. But a cambered sail's centre of effort is supposed to be further forward, so is it likely that I would have a problem?