Extract from a letter in PBO November 2002 from a big ship Captain G Kullack who then ran navigation courses for yachties on [ferry bridges]:
"I've been the master of a north sea ferry for more than 40 years, mainly on a route between Germany and England... Part of the program is a ... session ... about problems between yachts and merchant shipping.... One of my most important points has always been to show ... the danger of masthead navigation lights... Boat owners think that... [such]... are more visible, because the difference in the range with the light at 10m compared to 1m with the height of eye at 14m (ship) is 14 nm instead of 10 nm. With the height of eyes at 6m (coaster) it's 11 nm instead of 7 nm, while the range of the light needs to be only 5 or 3 nm (respectively).
"On the other hand a masthead light, which is say the same height as the officer on watch on watch of of a merchant vessel will stay on the horizon independent of the distance, suggesting that it's actually further away. The low brightness only makes the situation worse.
"[Also] The light does not even necessarily change its bearing when it gets closer... Owners should never forget that a masthead light might not be picked up between all the lights along a coastline.
"Therefore my recommendation has always been put your lights at rail height, even if it means one more .... lamp (instead of three)."