Badger's trim tab

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  • 09 Aug 2014 12:50
    Reply # 3069327 on 3063851
    Deleted user

    No love? Seems my questions go down like lead balloons.

  • 05 Aug 2014 15:59
    Reply # 3064068 on 3063851
    Deleted user

    Thanks Richard

    Annoying, since it used to work.

    Last modified: 05 Aug 2014 16:00 | Deleted user
  • 05 Aug 2014 15:31
    Reply # 3064047 on 3063851
    Patric A wrote:PS could some kind soul let me know why neither BB code nor the above html work?
    As far as I can tell you can't post images on the forums, but you can link to them like this.
  • 05 Aug 2014 10:34
    Message # 3063851
    Deleted user

    I'm giving up on the servo pendulum and fitting a H-vane trim tab instead. Since the rudder has a slight curvature or knee I've been wondering about the shape of the trim tab. 

    (See Richard's link or my album)

    The photo with Badger dried out on the Falklands(?) shows a trim tab solving this problem. Annie mentioned it was done to give more leverage. Are there any calculations involved or did you simply fit a straight trim tab to the rudder? Dijkstera wrote a superb book with all sorts of formula and whathaveyou on designing wind vanes. Unfortunately I hardly understand a word of it!

    PS could some kind soul let me know why neither BB code nor the above html work?

    Last modified: 05 Aug 2014 16:02 | Deleted user
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