woah, just updated the rig info.
Main yard 3.85m x 100m x 3mm
Main battens 4.4m x 40mm x 3mm
- except batten no.1 is 50mm x 3m
All that weights 34kg
Sail cloths feels about 10kg - total 44kg then there's the heavy double braid parrels all over it.
Halyard 3:1
Comes back to a block on deck, then an organiser , finishing at a rope clutch.
The fixed luff parrels undoubtedly add friction.
Just average strength here (office worker too). Could haul it up if I blew a gasket, but off the coast with the boat heeling & tossing I dont have the energy.
But I dont mind it since installing a winch makes it a non issue.
Also, I dont know what batten stagger issues are. The sails go up and down (they've raised at dock often enough too) without sheets getting caught. Must be that the fixed luff parrels are doing their job.
The blocks are plain Ronstans, and at this stage we are more interested in just getting out there, and if its not broke we're concentrating on other things (like losing the sea anchor and moving aboard). Refinements can happen some other time.