Batten Stagger & Double Sheeting

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  • 28 Sep 2013 20:57
    Reply # 1400468 on 1400343
    You can ignore batten stagger if you really are going for double sheeting. But why limit yourself? If you design your sail carefully you'll keep your options open and quite honestly, I'd not use double sheeting if I could get away with single sheeting.
  • 28 Sep 2013 15:42
    Message # 1400343
    Batten stagger, if I have this correctly, is:
    - where the clew of each successive batten, rising up the sail, lies further aft.  The reason for requiring this is to allow a single sheet system to work when reefed. 
    With a double sheet, is this still a necessity?
    Anything I am missing?
    (considering a catamaran, with its wide sheeting base, double sheeting should not be problematic - just a lot of string)

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