U must have a Vice! Balkan Shipyards

  • 20 May 2024 06:44
    Reply # 13358959 on 13358715
    Anonymous wrote:

    Can’t wait to see her sailing Rael.

    Looks like she’ll make the Kessel run in way under 12 parsecs..

    The dark side is very strong these days...

    This ship was built for inter Galactica battle, our designers claim cruising speeds of 4 GigaBongs and 6 at full throttle.

    Our scientists finally measured the true speed of light and found it to be exactly 4.62 GigaBongs. So, fully armed we expect to make cruising speeds.

    I suppose we keep Junking my friend.....

    The Force is Strong!

    May it be with us all...

    Balkan Spaceship Yards

  • 19 May 2024 08:14
    Reply # 13358715 on 13351042

    Can’t wait to see her sailing Rael.

    Looks like she’ll make the Kessel run in way under 12 parsecs..

    Last modified: 19 May 2024 08:18 | Anonymous member
  • 18 May 2024 19:54
    Reply # 13358621 on 13351042

    Details, Details and more Details......

    Launching soon, A Proa on the hard, almost done.

    As a long list gets checked, after endless hours and countless tasks, the time has come to finally raise all canvas aloft and rig a Chinese Lug on a Polynesian Proa....

    But that's for next time, yet all the rest is in the link below, One Force 213 almost in the drink.

    Keep Junking, Balkan Shipyards


    Last modified: 18 May 2024 19:56 | Anonymous member
  • 09 May 2024 09:06
    Reply # 13354274 on 13351042

    Stainless Cleats Done!

    Sometimes making your ideas is not good business...

    I made these cleats in much more time and labour I imagined, this choice, to make my own gear, was an economical mistake. 

    One learns from their mistakes they say... will I do it again? for sure! I will just make them even better. I like them, I made them, and I learned what not to do next time, and that is, don't try to weld thin material with thick electrodes, even if you've done it before...........

    Just go buy thin ones!  

    Keep Junking 

    Balkan Shipyards


    Last modified: 09 May 2024 09:07 | Anonymous member
  • 02 May 2024 19:15
    Reply # 13351403 on 13351194
    Anonymous wrote:

    Nice vice!  I took the liberty of merging your two threads with emphasis on the vice. Cheers.  --Webmaster.

    Thanks, I will keep further updates to this thread.

    Keep Junking, Balkan Shipyards

    Last modified: 03 May 2024 15:32 | Anonymous member
  • 02 May 2024 14:02
    Reply # 13351194 on 13351042
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Nice vice!  I took the liberty of merging your two threads with emphasis on the vice. Cheers.  --Webmaster.

  • 02 May 2024 04:55
    Message # 13351042

    Nothing holds like a vice! Mind u ViceGrips are close, but yea, they 2 go with the vice, hammers are welcome... They go with a vice, plyers... files... they all go with the vice... A vice at times, will surely B your best mate, if u can't hold it, u just gotta have a vice...

    At Sea, useful is cherished, useless is merely dead weight, u can haul it or u can loose it, u now best... But nothing holds like a vice.


    We're alive guys, as a strange future materializes in a darkening planet... We just wanted to say we're here, fighting like U all, handeling sanity as much as we can... In an insane environment we can only do what we can do......

    Another video from the road:


    Keep Junking, 

    Balkan Shipyards

    Last modified: 02 May 2024 14:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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