Arne Kverneland wrote:
Ueli, I have twisted the PJR-way of calculating wooden masts. In chapter 6 of my 'The cambered panel Junk Rig'. That formula seems to produce quite good mast sections, still stout, but not too stout.
thank you – i will check it out.
PS: Who has written the mast calculator? I am always sceptical to spreadsheets unless I have access to the formulas behind them.
the calculator is from oscar fröberg.
i compared the wooden mast part with other sources and found it good enough for my needs. but i'm not an ingeneer…
edit: i just took a look at your changed formula:
when you fix a ‚fake‘ SA/disp of 14 for the calculation, you could take the SA out of the formula and work directly with the displacement – and the length above partners shouldn’t be an essential part of the formula, as its effect is just the impact of the inertia of the rig in a swell.