Gary King wrote:Well, the plot is thickens with Lexia's mast. 5" is pretty wimpy, but says something if it lasted for several decades (?). I feel much better about mine..
Lexia's main mast is 5 inches but the foremast was I understand 3 1/2 inches (subject to confirmation by measuring tomorrow!). The break at the deck level shows it to have been sleeved. The total length of the foremast is 30 feet.
The recommendation from Alan Boswell, the designer, via Robin Blain ,the last link with the manufacturer, is to replace the foremast with 5 inch outide diameter and 1/4 inch wall thickness grade 6082 T6 anodised. Apparently Alan Boswell then quoted a resultant safety factor of 2.72.
However, Robin also suggested the bottom half or so in 5" with the top half in 4", although I am not sure if that would result in a step between thicknesses which would result in some drag against the batten parrels on reefing or stowing.
I am simply reporting here, not necessarily claiming to understand or have a view. However, I may need to take a view shortly.
I presume that both masts are original from 1978. That is certainly the view of Robin Blain .
I should now record that overnight on Wed / Thu I had reduced sail. It was rough, steep Channel chop, as there had been some days of heavy weather from the SW and the tides were springs. 'I slept in 10 minute stretches. We sailed SW on a beam reach at about 4 knots. At dawn the wind dropped and we wallowed at around half a knot. If I had been just cruising I would probably have thought fine, let's wallow whilst I get some rest. Alas, I thought that I should get some sail on and as it was pretty much dead calm I put both sails up fully. I went below and set my timer for 15 mins. As I woke up I noted that we were sailing much faster. Just as I was getting up to look out the foremast went over the side, breaking at the deck.
So, my fault I think. A bad desision, perhaps made because I was tired and was very sea sick.
Or maybe it was a failure waiting to happen.
Uninsured as I was technically racing. Salt in the wounds.
Interestingly, Denis Sidebotham's 5" alloy mainmast on Janvier Aquilla failed at deck level two years ago in Plymouth Sound. That was probably a similar vintage. It wasn't very rough or strong wind. In his case the inshore lifeboat came out and rescued his sail, yard, boom and battens. The mast was let go in 50 feet. Dennis says that I can have the mast if I can find and retrieve it. I think that it is a very long shot ... !