mehitabel's motor system

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  • 05 Dec 2012 08:05
    Reply # 1152749 on 1152590

    I'll post some numbers in the next couple of days, for the interested. I hope my little article gives the right impression - it's not everybody's motor.

    As her unexciting rig has done, mehitabel's motor system is fairly unambitious and non-optimum but is proving itself to be highly satisfactory to her undiscerning occupants anyway.

  • 05 Dec 2012 07:34
    Reply # 1152743 on 1152590
    Deleted user
    Some kits were expensive, but DIY using parts from Thunderstruck isnt. Kurt's looks like a Mars motor from that site.
    In fact since I first looked into this 5 years ago, LiFe batteries have plummeted in price, something like a 1/3 of what they were.
    Last modified: 05 Dec 2012 07:37 | Deleted user
  • 05 Dec 2012 07:13
    Reply # 1152733 on 1152707
    Gary Pick wrote:I researched it some years back it would have cost me in the region of $AU6,000, which was out of the question for me at the time.
    I am dead curious though.

    Yo, but what would a diesel engine cost you?  Bob Groves told me he reckoned he'd spent at least CAN$15,000 on his new installation.
  • 05 Dec 2012 06:48
    Reply # 1152723 on 1152590
    Me too.
    The motor power in KW?
  • 05 Dec 2012 06:20
    Reply # 1152707 on 1152590
    I would very much like to hear more from Kurt on this. For example the size of his batteries, their weight?
    I researched it some years back it would have cost me in the region of $AU6,000, which was out of the question for me at the time.
    I am dead curious though.
  • 05 Dec 2012 01:48
    Message # 1152590
    Another good piece of writing from Kurt Ulmer:

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