Oceanus Sailcloth

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  • 25 Oct 2012 10:03
    Reply # 1113455 on 1111476
    Hi John,
    I saw the Oceanus cloth in a sail loft in NZ, being used to make sails for a square rigger. This was in one of the heavier weights, and was narrow, to make it "look right". However, if the lighter weights are as wide as 64", similar to the Odyssey and Mustang cloth, it must be a good bet for junk sails, though I've no first hand experience.

    Also, Heathcoat Fabrics are still making Clipper Canvas, a very similar product. I've seen this in the roll, at a sailmakers, but have not seen a finished sail. The handling properties were as you quote for Oceanus, very soft and easy to furl. 
  • 24 Oct 2012 12:17
    Reply # 1112629 on 1111476
    Oceanus comes in 64" width in 7 oz and 9 oz (US measure) plus some heavier weights used on tall ships.  The 7 oz is about $11 a yard as I recall, direct from North Cloth in the U.S. To get an exact price you can call Gayleen Whitfield at North Cloth 203-783-4246.

    I can vouch for the longevity of the cloth. Our squaresail is about 13 years old, was our most used sail with many thousands of sea miles on it, and shows no signs of deteriorating. Aside from being soft and pleasant to handle, it furls much more tightly that conventional sailcloth, a fact which we really appreciated.
  • 23 Oct 2012 23:22
    Reply # 1111954 on 1111476
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

                                                              Stavanger, Wednesday, just


    I’ve read about that sail cloth, and it seems to have been made to be a sort of polyester "version" of, or replacement for cotton canvas; nice and soft as the cotton is, just much stronger and rot-proof. The thing with the junkrig is that the load in the sail is very low. The Odyssey III cloth, a rip-stop-woven, coated polyester that I have been using lately, is not that expensive, and is strong enough for quite big sails. That cloth comes in 64" width at about 6.5Oz, costing less than 10US$ per running yard, last time I checked. What does the Oceanus cloth cost and in what widths and weights is it made?

    Cheers, Arne

  • 23 Oct 2012 22:30
    Reply # 1111905 on 1111476
    Deleted user
    Hi John. It's always good when a 'lurker' pops his head out of the cabin... I'm no expert on sailcloth, but there are several members who are. I'm sure you'll hear from them soon, and in particular from David Tyler when he gets in from his current cruise.
    Last modified: 23 Oct 2012 22:30 | Deleted user
  • 23 Oct 2012 13:44
    Message # 1111476
    Hello all. I've recently joined the JRA after a year or two of lurking. I'm in the process of converting a Colvin gaff schooner with squaresail (an Aderyn Mor: same length but considerably heavier and stiffer than a Gazelle) to junk rig.

    I'm wondering if anyone here has first hand experience using North Cloth's Oceanus sailcloth for junk sails. Our square is Oceanus and it's lovely stuff and has lasted extremely well. Oceanus is very soft with no resin fill and consequently has considerably more stretch on the bias than conventional sailcloth. 

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