Mainsheet deck attachment.

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  • 11 Oct 2012 23:40
    Reply # 1101342 on 1100736
    I had a look at your photo Gary.  My stern rails are 25mm x 1.5mm pipe, but are very different to yours.  I have a separate rail on each quarter which is triangulated, that is three uprights come up from different directions to meet at the top.   It is absolutely rigid and cannot flex no matter how much stress is applied. Being welded to the deck also helps. I used double sheets on the bermudian rig, one to the top of each rail, without trouble.  You could replicate this  by adding a diagonal pipe, running athwartships, from the top of the aftermost upright down to the deck, about where the bumpkin crosses the transom, but  am not sure that this is the right thing to do, since your mainsheet attachment will not go to the corner rails like my bermudian rig did.  Perhaps the most effective thing would be to brace the rail at the point where you attach the sheet blocks.  You could run a wire brace from the sheet attachment point out to the base of the stern rail on either side, or weld in struts.  Arion has bracing struts made from 12mm SS rod which work well.  I will take another, clearer, photo this morning and add it to my member album. 
  • 11 Oct 2012 21:57
    Reply # 1101268 on 1100736
    Graham I noticed your sternrail looks about the same diameter as mine, do you get much flexing in it? I'm also thinking about how I can set it up to haul the blocks to windward as you suggest and I think I know how I can do it.
    David your idea of bracing your Pushpit has got me thinking about getting some bracing added to mine. I've up loaded a photo to my profile album. I'm thinking a couple of Stainless tube diagonals running from the base of the aft stanchions to around the middle of the bottom rail should do it. I think to get a vertical spread on the blacks would mean either an added higher rail or a horse lower down.
    Thank you both for your replies.

  • 11 Oct 2012 17:07
    Reply # 1101025 on 1100736
    My mainsheet blocks are on the pushpit. Initially, it was too flexible, so I added two diagonal bracing wires under tension, and it's been OK ever since.
    It's better to have a vertical spread of blocks, so consider just having one block on the top rail of the pushpit.
    Also, have a look at newsletter 21 for what I did on my 25footer, way back when.
  • 11 Oct 2012 12:59
    Reply # 1100823 on 1100736
    Hi Gary.  I have added a photo of my mainsheet attachment system to my member photo album.  I have a stainless steel horse or bridge above the tiller with three lugs on it for the lower blocks.  I understand there is some advantage in being able to haul the lower blocks to windward to reduce twist when sailing to windward.  It would make sense for a performance oriented boat.  On Arion I am happy to motorsail to windward when coastal sailing.  When Arion is in the open sea, I never sail hard on the wind, close reaching is all I am prepared to do and then the added complexity is unwarranted.  I think you might find it beneficial to haul your mainsheet to windward on your boat though.
  • 11 Oct 2012 07:47
    Message # 1100736
    I had planned to attach my mainsheet to the Pushpit but I have realised it's not going to be strong enough. So I'm looking for ideas. I could do a simple rope horse attached to the cockpit coamings or I could laminate a beam that would also attach to the coamings. The attachment point would be forward of the Pushpit.
    How did you set yours up?
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