Layout and sailplan for Halibut (ver. B)
Here is the (sail-friendly) version B of the Halibut, shown with thwarts, oarlocks and rig. I have made the cockpit longer by reducing the buoyancy tanks at the ends a little. I suggest sticking 50mm thick foam to the topsides instead. I also have an idea of tying a row of fenders to the gunwale, and preferably first sew these into ‘a sausage’ of canvas. This will have three purposes:
- · Fenders
- · Sprayrails
- · Added buoyancy
The diameter of the fenders could be anything from 50 to 150mm. Personally, I would aim for around 80mm if available.
In addition, I have sketched on a rudder and a bow-board. The bow-board can be constructed in seventy-two ways. Not sure which version to go for, but all versions will have some sort of wooden peg or weak link to let the board break free, in case of running aground.