Junk Rigged Sailboat for sale:

  • 20 May 2018 13:24
    Reply # 6244776 on 6240597

    I posted the link to this forum post into the International Junk Rig Facebook group, where there's now a little discussion going on.  Somebody is indeed going to get an outstanding deal. Here's the link to the Facebook discussion, in case it's handy – somebody would have to join the group in order to get access to it, but it's easy enough to do, if you'd like another avenue for letting people know about the boat. At that price, shipping across the country could be pretty worthwhile.


  • 20 May 2018 14:22
    Reply # 6244830 on 6240597
    Deleted user

    Thanks for posting on FB Shemaya.  I just hit the join button in the FB group.

  • 20 May 2018 16:38
    Reply # 6244915 on 6240597
    Deleted user

    I am a little confused are you and the boat on the west or east coast of the US and where specifically. It looks to me that both of you are in Maryland, is that correct.

  • 20 May 2018 17:04
    Reply # 6244953 on 6244915
    Deleted user
    Daniel Champness wrote:

    I am a little confused are you and the boat on the west or east coast of the US and where specifically. It looks to me that both of you are in Maryland, is that correct.

    Sorry about the confusion.  You are right, I am in Maryland and the Boat is about 4 hour drive for me in a Marina in Hampton, Virginia where the previous owner of the boat is that has been helping me.

    Just to clarify, Shemaya who you maybe also referring to is on the west coast.  Thanks

  • 20 May 2018 17:59
    Reply # 6245057 on 6240597
    Deleted user

    Ok everyone - more pics (Hercules Diesel Engine)

    3 files
  • 20 May 2018 18:00
    Reply # 6245058 on 6240597
    Deleted user

    This is the current pic of the interior prior to the work on the ribs on the right side

    It is not really as bad as it looks.  I slept on the sofa cushions on the left several nights on a sleeping bag as we worked on the leak at the ribs.

    1 file
    Last modified: 20 May 2018 18:02 | Deleted user
  • 20 May 2018 18:17
    Reply # 6245104 on 6240597
    Deleted user

    More interior pics just prior to the work on the ribs.

    3 files
  • 20 May 2018 18:37
    Reply # 6245157 on 6240597
    Deleted user

    Here are the pics of the pin hole leak area on the deck which we initially covered with gorilla tape which held up very good for at least a month without any water leaking in.

    The other pics are of the ribs where i worked to remove the rot and the water damage and finally epoxy it.  Note it is now tested thru snow ice and rain from last winter and was found to be leak proof.

    4 files
    Last modified: 20 May 2018 18:39 | Deleted user
  • 20 May 2018 21:34
    Reply # 6245462 on 6240597

    Looks like I was the one who was confused – I thought that the boat was in California, based on the link in the original post that includes "boats-for-sale/chinese-junk-34-in-ventura-california-". Glad to clear that up! I am on the East Coast also, (in Maine). Great to know that that the boat is nearer by!


  • 20 May 2018 22:24
    Reply # 6245508 on 6245462
    Deleted user
    Sailsec 2018- JRA wrote:

    Looks like I was the one who was confused – I thought that the boat was in California, based on the link in the original post that includes "boats-for-sale/chinese-junk-34-in-ventura-california-". Glad to clear that up! I am on the East Coast also, (in Maine). Great to know that that the boat is nearer by!


    Thanks for clearing that up as I was confused too after I went to FB and read the post there.  Anyways Maine is much closer.  I am getting ready to post some more pics below.  Thanks
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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