Euphores and Blocks: Swap

  • 01 Mar 2018 14:13
    Message # 5883579
    Deleted user


    I'm in the process of changing my wood euphroes and friction blocks to sister-blocks (two Ronstan RF469 bolted together).

    I would like to give them to Gary (and young son Nara) because he has a Gazelle and uses euphroes, but I lost touch with him.

    Anyways, if I cannot give it to Gary, them I'll swap for something more useful, like banana bread!!

    Description: Made of a dark, heavy, hardwood. Some blocks were split, or may be dried out. Six euphroes and 17 friction blocks.

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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