Hasler vane gear parts for sale

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  • 30 May 2016 17:07
    Message # 4047225

    I have six sets of satin chrome plated brass chain stopper with 7in of 3/16in stainless steel chain, as used to connect the Hasler MP servo pendulum vane gear to the tiller, or to hold the tiller when an auxiliary rudder vane gear is being used, or to hold the tiller when anchored or moored in a tideway. Photo here

    I also have three sets of the brass worm and stainless steel wormwheel that were used in the Hasler SP vane gear. Could be used to make up a latch gear for a home made vane gear. Photo here.

    £5 each set plus postage to wherever you are.

  • 30 May 2016 21:43
    Reply # 4047582 on 4047225
    Yes please. One of each, although maybe I need a chain for each tiller?  I may well not need the worm gear, but just in case ...
  • 01 Jun 2016 08:00
    Reply # 4050427 on 4047225

    Five chain stopper sets and two worm and wormwheel sets have been spoken for. That just leaves one of each.

    I also have quite a lot of the tufnol bearings used in the Hasler MP gear, and some other parts, but nothing much for the SP. Let me know by PM if there's something you need.

  • 01 Jun 2016 13:34
    Reply # 4050947 on 4047225
    Deleted user

    David I would like one of the worm drive units in the vain hope I can somehow fit it to or modify my Hebridean vane gear.  The unit works well but on my boat it is a long walk and often a huge effort in any sea to go aft to alter course - a consideration when using this model.   I will make contact and send money - to be shipped to my England address.

  • 01 Jun 2016 15:46
    Reply # 4051107 on 4047225

    Chris, a worm and wheel will be on their way to you tomorrow.

    That was the main reason that I didn't consider playing with a Hebridean - adjusting from the companionway is an absolute essential, on a dark and stormy night.

  • 01 Jun 2016 21:56
    Reply # 4051860 on 4047225
    Excuse my ignorance, David, but what is the difference between and MP and an SP vane gear?  You know the sort of thing I'll be putting together, would the Tufnol bearings be any use to me, do you think?

    I'd actually give my eye teeth for an original Hasler trim-tab gear, but they must be an almost extinct species by now.

    Last modified: 01 Jun 2016 21:57 | Anonymous member
  • 01 Jun 2016 22:18
    Reply # 4051919 on 4047225

    Small Pendulum (up to 30ft LOA) and Medium Pendulum (30ft to 50ft LOA). There was also a Big Pendulum, but I think only one or two were built, one of which went onto British Steel.

    I've had SibLim's requirement in mind as I've been thinking about Weaverbird's gear. I don't think I've got anything amongst the old Gibb parts, liberated when the factory closed down, that would be any use to you, and I'm certain that the very last thing you need is a Hasler trim tab gear. What you're going to need is a trim tab on each rudder, using standard dinghy rudder pintles and gudgeons; a crossbar linking their tillers; and a vertical axis vane with a simple toothed wheel latch (as I'm making) that can be cord-linked to the cross bar. Then (and here's the fiendishly cunning part) it is the work of a moment to reverse the linkage so as to be able to try the gear in trim tab mode with direct linkage, and in auxiliary rudder mode with a pair of small blocks reversing the direction of the linkage.

    You aren't going to need the gear until the autumn, and come the autumn, I, as a Country Member of the Siblim Club will have tested my gear and will be in a position to make you a suitable latch gear.

  • 02 Jun 2016 08:41
    Reply # 4052738 on 4047225
    Deleted user

    Hi David, any bits for the MP vane gear  would be good. RON GLAS 's gear is going well but parts are always a good idea. What. Have you. got? 

    Can. give you a UK. address. Thanks Tony & Sally

  • 02 Jun 2016 09:51
    Reply # 4052811 on 4052738
    Tony & Sally Summers wrote:

    Hi David, any bits for the MP vane gear  would be good. RON GLAS 's gear is going well but parts are always a good idea. What. Have you. got? 

    Can. give you a UK. address. Thanks Tony & Sally

    I think it's highly unlikely that you'll wear out or break anything, though you could lose a vane or blade. However, I'll put together a box of bearings and small parts, if you'll send me an address by PM or email. I do have the parts for a MP latch gear, except for the all-important wormwheel. I was wondering whether i could manage to complete it for SibLim, but it's a bit heavy for her, and might be better off coming to you.
  • 02 Jun 2016 11:32
    Reply # 4053020 on 4047225
    Deleted user

    Many thanks David, will email you  a UK  saddress Tony&Sally

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