Junk-rigged Coromandel

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  • 25 May 2014 10:07
    Message # 1556915
    Deleted user
    For sale on e-bay - currently lying in Falmouth. Looks like a nice example from the pictures available.

    Last modified: 25 May 2014 10:08 | Deleted user
  • 27 May 2014 01:58
    Reply # 1557447 on 1556915
    Here in NZ, our version of E-Bay is Trade Me and serious would-be buyers wait until the last minute to bid, in the hope of keeping the price down. If they do the same on E-Bay, this might explain why so far the bid is at 118 quid.  Regardless, I suspect this wee boat is going to be a bargain.  I wish we had a few of them down here!!
  • 31 May 2014 17:06
    Reply # 2996392 on 1556915

    Hi there,

    I bought this Coromandel. Does anyone know the current owner? I am trying to contact him just to be on the save side. The sail number is 77.

    Best regards,


  • 31 May 2014 18:07
    Reply # 2997404 on 1556915
    Deleted user

    Congratulations, Antoine! I think you've got a nice little boat there. And could be made to go anywhere (ask Roger Taylor).

    Don't know who the owner is, sorry. Same boat, and looks like the same rig as Tammie Norrie - Richard Brooksby's boat.

    Last modified: 31 May 2014 18:09 | Deleted user
  • 12 Jun 2014 21:19
    Reply # 3005601 on 1556915

    The owner was Mr. Tim Start from Bristol. We will try and pick her up from Falmouth by trailer in week 31. Bit of a leap of faith this project but who dares wins. We'll see how this turns out. I'll keep you posted on the progress we make with turning her into "our" boat.

  • 13 Jun 2014 07:14
    Reply # 3005844 on 1556915

    Is that fellow member Tim Start, who's having a lovely wooden junk rigged boat built in Bristol?

    Enjoy your new boat


  • 13 Jun 2014 22:09
    Reply # 3006068 on 1556915
    Yes, she's pretty similar to Tammy Norie — a flat HM rig — but it looks like you have a folding mast with the box-section hinge, so I hope you won't have the same problems I've just fixed up.

    She doesn't look too bad! I didn't see a sail cover in the pictures and the sail might be a bit tired. The woodwork clearly needs a bit of attention, and is that duct tape holding up the headlining? Nothing serious, though.

    The listing didn't say anything about the engine.

    Anyway, we've been in touch by email so you're welcome to any help I can give. Let's get our boats together sometime.

  • 14 Jun 2014 21:38
    Reply # 3006274 on 1556915

    I think I'll be sailing in your slipstream Richard. I know for a fact that I have the same problems with the mast. Not to worry - Nothing that can't be fixed - but it won't be fixed  tomorrow.

    I'll pick her up in week 31, get her in the water overhere and get to know her, draw up the list of things to do and then slowly but surely get her ready for 2016.

    Your blog is VERY useful to me! Thanx!

    Maybe we should ask Arne to draw up a somewhat more cambered sail sometime.

    Last modified: 14 Jun 2014 21:40 | Anonymous member
  • 17 Jun 2014 08:47
    Reply # 3008273 on 1556915
    Richard and Antoine!  It's so good to see you communicating like this: it's exactly what the JRA is about, or at least it's exactly what I think the JRA is about.  I think it's great to see you exchanging information, helping one another and discussing issues that you have in common.  And perhaps making exactly the same sail.  I hope you get the chance to sail in company and that other Coromandel owners will benefit from this conversation.
  • 21 Jun 2014 21:08
    Reply # 3017864 on 1556915
    Now learned that she is called Sishkin or Siskin. This translates to "Sijs" in Dutch. In Dutch there is also a bird called "Drijfsijs". In English this would translate to Floating Siskin. Pondering this VERY important matter while researching sprayhoods and selfsteering opportunities

    Last modified: 21 Jun 2014 21:12 | Anonymous member
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