1 To provide occasions for
members and
non-members to get together with their boats for a collaborative, fun and educational junk sailing day or days
2 To provide opportunities for rally-goers to discuss and compare rigs, to share experiences and to enjoy good company.
Getting people together and having a good time.
Following amendments to the
JRA Constitution agreed at the December 2012 Special General Meeting, rallies and junkets (mini-rallies) are organised by members rather than the Association. From here on the JRA will not, for insurance reasons, accept responsibility for the organisation of rallies/junkets, however named, or for the consequences of such. The JRA's
Sailing Secretary can offer advice and help with planning and safety issues, but our
Guidance on Rallies and Sailing Services (pdf, 836 Kb) is the best place to start.
We hope you'll want and be able to organise a rally/junket in your area, just as Robin Blain has been doing with the JRS&RC in the UK in 2013.
For information about past events, and links to reports on them, see
Rallies and Junkets in the main menu.