Hotmail hacked accounts - JRA member

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  • 13 Apr 2020 16:05
    Reply # 8896154 on 8895847
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Now I too got a second mail from 'Iain':

    "Hi Arne ,

    Good to hear from you.

    I am sorry for bothering you with this mail,  I need to get an Amazon gift card for my niece , Its her birthday but I can't do this now because I'm currently home bound due to the Virus spread and my card isn't working and i can't figure out why . I tried purchasing it online but unfortunately no luck with that. Can you try to purchase it online for me or maybe get it from the store ? I'll pay back once things get settled a bit. Kindly let me know if you can handle this please.

    Stay safe,
    Fraser "

    My conclusion is that they either have got my answer, or they are just bluffing...



    Last modified: 13 Apr 2020 16:05 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 13 Apr 2020 15:03
    Reply # 8895989 on 8895969
    Arne wrote:

    I sent ‘him’ an answer right away, before seeing this thread. However, I soon received a mail saying that my e-mail could not be sent.

    Same here... but the answering email was very weird; it looked to me as though it had been forwarded to several other Hotmail addresses, one of which bounced.  But a couple of minutes later I got a reply from "him" asking me to buy some Amazon vouchers for him.

    (edited to remove member's name in public forum)

    Last modified: 13 Apr 2020 17:56 | Anonymous member
  • 13 Apr 2020 14:51
    Reply # 8895969 on 8895847
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I sent ‘Iain’ an answer right away, before seeing this thread. However, I soon received a mail saying that my e-mail could not be sent. I had either miss-spelt the address or it has been closed, it said.


  • 13 Apr 2020 14:39
    Reply # 8895937 on 8895928
    Roy wrote:I don't, but if anyone does do not quote it here as this is a public forum.

    Good point.

    I've emailed membership, but can't remember who that is (or in what country they're based).  If anyone else has the number, please either give him a bell, or email it to me, or to a UK based committee member if you prefer.

  • 13 Apr 2020 14:27
    Reply # 8895928 on 8895908
    Deleted user
    Anonymous wrote:

    Does anyone have a phone number for him?  Can't see one in the directory. 

    I don't, but if anyone does do not quote it here as this is a public forum.
  • 13 Apr 2020 14:22
    Reply # 8895908 on 8895847

    Maybe it is his account that's been hacked.  (sometimes it's a third party...)

    Does anyone have a phone number for him?  Can't see one in the directory. 

    (edited to remove member's name in public forum)

    Last modified: 13 Apr 2020 17:54 | Anonymous member
  • 13 Apr 2020 14:18
    Reply # 8895891 on 8895847
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The same happened to me, a couple of hours ago:

    This was the message:

    "How are you doing today and what's your location at the moment ? I need a little favor from you.

    Best Wishes 


    I suggest someone in UK call him and warn him.


  • 13 Apr 2020 13:42
    Reply # 8895853 on 8895847
    Deleted user

    Me too.  Just emailed him with details.

  • 13 Apr 2020 13:35
    Message # 8895847

    Hi all,

    just a heads up that I've had an email claiming to be from a JRA member asking me for a favour.  One of the classic "can you buy an Amazon voucher for my niece, I'll pay you back honest".  I expect the spammers are going through his email address book so quite possible that I'm not the only target.

    I'm sure we're all wise to these things, but thought I'd send the warning, because we can all get caught in an ungaurded moment.

    The email I had claimed to come from (name deleted).  I don't know if it's his mail that's been hacked, or someone else with both our names in their address book.  But if you're reading this, it wouldn't hurt to change your hotmail password to be safe.


    (edited to remove member's name in public forum.)

    Last modified: 13 Apr 2020 17:53 | Anonymous member
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