Another write up by Arne Kverneland

  • 05 Jun 2014 18:52
    Reply # 3001749 on 869421
    Deleted user

    Worked fine for me, Arne.

  • 05 Jun 2014 18:42
    Reply # 3001740 on 869421
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Testing, testing..


    This is a test to see if I can make a link work to open a PDF file in my folder directly. The change I have made is to run the long link address through  the Google URL shortener:

    I just picked «from gaff to Junk» as a test file:


    PS: It appears to work for me, at least. I wonder if some of you will try the link and see if the file opens.


    Last modified: 05 Jun 2014 18:45 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 26 May 2014 13:35
    Reply # 1557270 on 869421

    The H boat is a real beauty, a very slippery hull, she would really show the performance of the rig, especially as (I assume) there should be plenty of other H boats to race / sail against.

    Hope you have luck finding one.  (it would yet be another reason to come over to Norway

  • 24 May 2014 02:56
    Reply # 1556692 on 1556349
    Arne Kverneland wrote:I am unsure if Miss  Sørensen will be my last boat, or not. It depends if I can upgrade her a bit for cruising. The alternative is to find a keel boat in the 1.5ton range, maybe a H-boat. That boat has the looks, the seaworthiness and the speed. I must decide this summer as I can't hold (and pay for) a second berth for longer.
    Arne: there isn't a cat in hell's chance that this young lady will be your last boat.  You are far too curious and inventive for such fidelity!  Can you not sublet your berth until something else takes your fancy?
  • 23 May 2014 09:44
    Reply # 1556349 on 869421
    Anonymous member (Administrator)


    I am down to one boat, as Broremann went to the Sandnes sea scouts, when I bought FS in 2012. I am unsure if Miss  Sørensen will be my last boat, or not. It depends if I can upgrade her a bit for cruising. The alternative is to find a keel boat in the 1.5ton range, maybe a H-boat. That boat has the looks, the seaworthiness and the speed. I must decide this summer as I can't hold (and pay for) a second berth for longer.


    Last modified: 23 May 2014 23:36 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 23 May 2014 05:42
    Reply # 1556319 on 869421
    So Admiral Arne is now reduced to two boats - is that right?  Or has Broremann found a new home, too.

    I can imagine you are looking forward to seeing Joanna under sail, having now seen her under power, for the first time.  :-)
  • 22 May 2014 00:55
    Reply # 1555841 on 869421
    Deleted user
    Lament to Johanna.

    Good bye Johanna, life will never be the same for those of us,  beguiled by your charms, your  grace, power and of course your camber.
    How could you Arne?

    A new berth on the finger pontoon - that girl she really does get around.
    So what will follow on, a new development perhaps with a new ' write up' by Arne?

    We wish you well, you taught us lots, good wishes, bon voyage, see you around.

  • 21 May 2014 20:13
    Reply # 1555748 on 869421
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

                        The shortest delivery trip ever... (?)


    ..and under LETTERS, look up "20140521 Goodbye to Johanna". Could I be right?



    PS 20140605: Here is a tentative shortened link directly to "goodbye to Johanna"

    Last modified: 05 Jun 2014 18:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 21 Mar 2014 10:43
    Reply # 1522099 on 1522060
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Antoine ALLAIN wrote:Thanks Arne. It is very helpfull. Do you intend to write womething about aluminium masts ?

    Actually, yes, I was thinking of writing up my limited experience with hybrid aluminium-wood masts and add it to chapter 6, after the coming summer season. So far I can say that I find the method to be both cheap and easy, as long as I can find a tube of right size and of 6082-T6 alloy. The selection is not too good here, so the dimensions vary in quite big steps. Tubes for battens are easier to find.


    PS, 2019: See Chapter 6B of TCPJR, here.

    Last modified: 05 Jan 2022 16:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 21 Mar 2014 08:12
    Reply # 1522060 on 869421
    Deleted user
    Thanks Arne. It is very helpfull. Do you intend to write womething about aluminium masts ?
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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