Another write up by Arne Kverneland

  • 11 Jun 2014 23:53
    Reply # 3005066 on 869421

    OK, Arne, I'll believe you, but I'm not sure I'm taking on Ash's challenge!

    Your new sail is looking great and I can see the THP working.  Are there heavy loads on it, do you find.  Although, I suppose with such a little boat there can't really be.

    I had set up a luff-hauling parrel (twice round the mast) for Fantail.  It needed all my strength to haul the creases out and I finally bent the batten (first sheeted one) to which it was attached.  I have a deeply-, if mistakenly-held conviction that there should be no heavy loads on JR, and when I bent this batten I immediately scrapped the arrangement.  Now I go from batten 2 to batten 4 which seems to do the trick without undue tension.  I tried your system, but it didn't seem to work properly for my fanned sail.  Next boat will have an Arne sail, however :-)

  • 11 Jun 2014 21:02
    Reply # 3004980 on 869421
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Taming the Throat Hauling Parrel, THP

    Tonight I was out in Frøken Sørensen and made a little modification to the THP.

    In a hurry, made a little photo write-up. You find it under Letters and it is called “Taming the THP”

    Or try this short direct link, below:



    I hope it makes sense.



  • 11 Jun 2014 09:36
    Reply # 3004575 on 869421
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Annie, how could you think that!

    I just wanted to check the tool I found here on the Google site:

    I find that it is a super-quick way to produce shortened links, and they seem to work as well. Before that, I never could make links directly to PDF-files on “my”  JRA page.

    When I do sketches like this one, it is only to check the usefullness of Chapter 3 and 4 of “TCPJR”; nothing serious, of course...

    I have been out sailing in Frøken Sørensen for seven of the last eleven days. I am still thrilled by her super-easy handling: I wouldn’t think twice about dropping and hoisting her sail five times during an afternoon  -  it’s so easy.

    Cheers, must go, the wind is picking up...



    Last modified: 13 Dec 2017 10:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 11 Jun 2014 00:17
    Reply # 3004278 on 869421
    Deleted user

    Three weeks, lets open a book; wager:  1 pint in the yacht Club Bar

  • 10 Jun 2014 21:57
    Reply # 3004176 on 3001740
    Arne Kverneland wrote:

    Testing, testing..


    This is a test to see if I can make a link work to open a PDF file in my folder directly.

    Yep.  Works just fine on my netbook: Linux and Firefox.

    (I wonder how long it will be until Arne is offering us a write up about another sail for another boat ;-)!)
  • 10 Jun 2014 09:05
    Reply # 3003588 on 869421
    Deleted user

    Hi Arne,  Worked fine even on my I-pad.  Good luck with your next choice. Edward

  • 09 Jun 2014 22:17
    Reply # 3003382 on 869421
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I already know about one, on Randaberg  -  need to sleep on it...


  • 09 Jun 2014 21:30
    Reply # 3003353 on 869421


    It even Works for me, the most hopeless PC user in the world. Please dont Waste time on a Heavy and slow hull like an H-boat. Look at an X-79. It will take you where you want to go in half the time. 

  • 06 Jun 2014 12:04
    Reply # 3002063 on 869421
    Deleted user

    Opens right up with Firefox 29.0.1, Arne.

    O/T I'm on pins and needles as the day approaches when I can hoist my sail, (your sail).


  • 06 Jun 2014 08:57
    Reply # 3002021 on 869421

    Arne - works fine with Google Chrome and Windows 7.

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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