The force I need to adjust the THP is quite light, about the same, or a bit lighter than the pull in the (3-part) halyard - which certainly isn’t heavy either. This is not only due to the size of the sail, but also to the fact that the halyard is attached a bit aft of the middle of the yard. This way the yard is peaked up more by the halyard and this will unload the THP and the yard hauling parrel.
The big difference between the H-M sail and a fanned sail is that the H-M sail is just a big parallelogram below batten 2 or 3 (counted from top), so once the position of the top section is set, the lower part will follow on. Therefore, there will be less need for HK-parrels or other means to hold the position.
If one takes a look at photos of the ultra-fanned sails from Hong Kong, one will see that the HK-parrels are working very hard and that all those stout battens are bending upwards.
Passing the THP half around Frøken Sørensen's slippery aluminium mast didn’t add any noticeable friction.
Cheers, Arne...
..must go and assist with slipping Johanna...