I fully agree with you that a new book is needed. PJR is written in the very distinctive style and "voice" of two ex-military men. When I read it, I can hear Blondie's speech patterns, and see the twinkle in his eye as he says something sly.
We cannot possibly match that style, and shouldn't try. The appendix in later editions seems to be out of place, to me.
Now, Arne has published much of his material; Slieve has released a draft of his thoughts; and I will, I hope, by the end of the year have sailed my new rig from New Zealand to Canada and clarified and verified my thoughts as to what makes a good rig for both coastal and ocean cruising. We are approaching the point where it would be possible to put together a book, with three or more sections (as many sections as there are people with something to say); not authored by a committee, but each section with a single author. There will be some overlap of ideas, and some conflicting positions held, but all in all, I would hope that it would represent a fair and balanced view of what has changed in the junk rig world since PJR was first published.