A junk rig presentation

  • 08 Feb 2012 13:20
    Reply # 819533 on 817763
    Deleted user
    Nice idea, Jonathan. We need a (preferably non-BOF) 'geek', and someone with a nice warm voice. Annie?
    Last modified: 08 Feb 2012 21:50 | Deleted user
  • 08 Feb 2012 11:46
    Reply # 819487 on 817763

    I think that the presentation is a very valuable addition to the Home page.  It might be even better if it had a commentary or voice over, just as it would have if given by a junk rig enthusiast to a real audience.  Is there a volunteer or volunteers in our junk rig community who has or have the necessary enthusiasm, knowledge, time and technical expertise to do that?  It could perhaps be subdivided into:  writing and editing a script; preparing a voice recording; doing the technical addition to the presentation.  Roy makes reference to Post It notes on the presentation.  David kindly sent me the presentation in Power Point for possible use at a talk that I will give at the Humber Yawl Club on Thursday 16 February.  The Power Point version included words on Post It notes.  The words on those notes seem to include much that would be included in a voice over so maybe that part of the job is already part done. 

    Last modified: 08 Feb 2012 11:48 | Anonymous member
  • 08 Feb 2012 05:03
    Reply # 819302 on 818741
    Roy Denton wrote:


    Good presentation, but the "post-it" notes are blank on the pdf version in Box, which is where the public page sends you when you click the link. Hope it's easy to sort out.


    Thanks, Roy. It's all very strange - the same file opened directly has the text in place. I've broken the picture link, and just left the text link in place, which seems to work.
  • 08 Feb 2012 00:22
    Reply # 818741 on 817763
    Deleted user


    Good presentation, but the "post-it" notes are blank on the pdf version in Box, which is where the public page sends you when you click the link. Hope it's easy to sort out.


  • 07 Feb 2012 21:34
    Reply # 818619 on 818375
    Deleted user
    David Tyler wrote:Brian,
    Thanks for doing that. I don't know much about the video formats. I think we might exchange it for a higher resolution version, sometime. I found it difficult to read. What format did you convert from? I've put a high res version of the Quicktime file into the Box folder.

    I've put the link to the PDF on the top Public page, where we have other similar material.
    Need a new pair of eyes? You're right - The resolution is poor - I just did a quick experiment to see if it all worked. The 'capture' was as an AVI file, which I converted to MOV for YouTube. I'll have another go when you tell me where the 'Box' folder is, please.

    The PDF on the Public 'home' page works well, but I think having it in a form that people don't have to download may be best, when we can, especially for 'fly-by' visitors.
    Last modified: 07 Feb 2012 22:28 | Deleted user
  • 07 Feb 2012 16:46
    Reply # 818375 on 817763
    Thanks for doing that. I don't know much about the video formats. I think we might exchange it for a higher resolution version, sometime. I found it difficult to read. What format did you convert from? I've put a high res version of the Quicktime file into the Box folder.

    I've put the link to the PDF on the top Public page, where we have other similar material.
    Last modified: 07 Feb 2012 16:57 | Anonymous member
  • 07 Feb 2012 12:03
    Reply # 818174 on 817763
    Deleted user
    An excellent idea Jonathan. The more easy-access information available to non-members the better. As soon as we have the majority of members' boats on the location maps, we'll try to make them (or maybe a global non-editable map) available too.

    David, I've taken the liberty of converting your file to .mov format and have uploaded it to YouTube here, so that visitors can access it more easily. It also gives people easy access to other junk rig videos. If you're not happy with this, let me know and I can just as easily delete it and send the file to you to use separately if the site can handle videos.
    Last modified: 07 Feb 2012 14:04 | Deleted user
  • 07 Feb 2012 08:53
    Reply # 818123 on 817763
    David, Thank you very much it is very good.  May I suggest that it could be available directly from the Home page as a primer for those who know little or nothing about junk rig but who have got as far as the Home page in search of information?  Jonathan  
  • 06 Feb 2012 21:23
    Message # 817763

    Not long ago, I was asked to give a talk to a local cruising club about junk rig. I found out in time that this was a cruising club that consisted of superannuated B.O.F.s, who never cruised further than a weekend would take them, who were unlikely to rush out and put a JR on their boats, and I was to be just the after-dinner amusement. I declined. But not before I had put together a presentation in Keynote (my Mac's equivalent to Powerpoint). I have exported it to other formats - Powerpoint, Quicktime, PDF, and jpeg slides - and put it into "Your online file storage/documents/junk rig presentation"

    or go to it here:

    junk rig presentation

    I hope it may be of use to anyone else who gets inveigled into giving a talk to a club.

       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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