PBO Article

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  • 14 Oct 2011 20:55
    Reply # 722963 on 722415
    Slieve McGalliard wrote:

    ...might be too technical for the readership...

    That might explain why there seems to be less of interest in PBO these days. 
    The article looks nice. As I've just lent out my copy before actually reading it, I still have it to look forward to :)
  • 13 Oct 2011 23:37
    Reply # 722415 on 721477

    Hi Guys

    David Harding sailed on Poppy in September 2009, over 2 years ago. As we chatted and he steered the boat with one hand he dictated parts of our conversation into a little recorder held in the other hand. This probably explains why he repeats that ‘Slieve said this’, or ‘Slieve said that’.

    About 6 weeks ago I contacted him asking if PBO were going to publish anything and that seemed to remind them that they had the material. Some 3 weeks ago I saw a draft of the article, but was advised that the editor might veto it as it might be too technical for the readership, so I didn’t know what might happen. A couple of days ago a friend phoned me to tell me he had seen the article in the magazine even before it appeared in the shops. I only got a copy from the shops yesterday.

    Please remember that David wrote this over 2 years after he sailed Poppy, and despite me not being an overactive sailor there have been a few improvements made to the rig since then.

    Has anyone picked up the major spelling error missed by the proof reader?

    Cheers, Slieve.

  • 13 Oct 2011 05:08
    Reply # 721801 on 721477
    Roy Denton wrote:

    Just opened my copy of Practical Boat Owner today, November issue, to find a write up of Slieve's split junk rig.  Not finished reading it yet, but the writer, David Harding, seems to treat the subject fairly.  I would have thought there might have been a heads-up on here about this before now.


    Roy, PBO and David Harding have been talking about an article on Slieve's Poppy /split rig for more than a year. It's been a bit like the Jewish messiah, we always hear about it but it fails to appear. So nobody has been paying much attention to the PBO announcements. However I'm glad to hear that it has finally happened. Will keep an eye out for it and will read with interest when the November issue finally makes it to NZ.
  • 12 Oct 2011 20:21
    Message # 721477
    Deleted user

    Just opened my copy of Practical Boat Owner today, November issue, to find a write up of Slieve's split junk rig.  Not finished reading it yet, but the writer, David Harding, seems to treat the subject fairly.  I would have thought there might have been a heads-up on here about this before now.


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