Pictures of old junks, and making oculi

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  • 13 Sep 2011 03:40
    Reply # 697996 on 696466
    Deleted user
    Did the Hong Kong rig come after the heavily quilted, many more battens, northern China design?
  • 12 Sep 2011 22:04
    Reply # 697714 on 696466
    You will note in the photo's of old junks - Not a flat sail in sight! so where did the flat sail idea come? The western urge to make the junk sail "tidy"? But the junk sail is not a tidy sail as the photo's will remind you.

    I can see where Bernard Slotbottom's "spoon leach" came from and also why Vincent Reddish urged that any shape should be added at the leach.

    However as the traditional junk sail got it's shape from stretch in the cloth, It's just natural that the greatest camber landed up at the leach.

    I think it just goes to prove that any shape is better than none.
    Last modified: 13 Sep 2011 02:58 | Anonymous member
  • 11 Sep 2011 17:57
    Reply # 696758 on 696466
    Deleted user
    Fantastic, I love old Junk pictures. Though they are a bad influence, they tempt me the ditch the basic hasler/McLeod design - which would be a mistake I know..
    I have a heap of junk pics too, but are from Karsten Petersen's site
    Amazing site but they are his copyright so wouldn't do to post them.
    I must have arrived in Hong Kong just 10 years too late and missed the fleets that used to be about.
    Last modified: 11 Sep 2011 17:58 | Deleted user
  • 11 Sep 2011 06:12
    Message # 696466
    I've started up a new gallery in the public pages, for pictures of old, genuinely Eastern junks, not our Western versions. Someone sent me 3 pictures to start it off – my apologies, I've forgotten who that was. I've added some from my own collection.
    If you have any suitable pictures, please send them to me for addition to the gallery.
    Last modified: 03 Feb 2013 20:01 | Anonymous member
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       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
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