I got to thinking. Tystie has sailed all these miles without oculi, and it's time I did something about it. "No have eyes, no can see where to go"
I have some round-bottomed polypropylene bowls, meant for picnic and party use, which I use for mixing resin, because it doesn't stick. I mixed up 5 pumps of West resin in a bowl, added as much lightweight filler as I could and still get the mix to self-level, then tapped, stirred and shook to get the air bubbles to the surface. The bowls have a raised circle in the bottom, which would result in a round depression in the resin, ready to paint as the pupil.
Unfortunately, it's too warm , and the resin exothermed too much. Would have worked, though, if I could keep it cool enough. Then I would have painted the whole thing white with a coloured pupil (black? red? the green eye of the little yellow god?), and glued a pair onto the bow.