S2 6.7 Junk Rig Conversion

  • 12 Jun 2019 14:06
    Reply # 7574182 on 6872873

    Thank you, Phil and Scott D. for taking the time to respond.

    I imagine if I purchased a nice laser level I would find many uses for it on the boat and around the house. The price for the one you suggested, Scott, does seem reasonable. I am just not sure this is the best way to use my limited boat budget right now. I spent about 20 minutes rummaging around my garage trying to find a way to rig a plumb bob before I gave up and bought a 'real' ($4.00 Harbor Freight Tools ) one. I am trying to buy the best materials for the boat and rig. I have a hard time doing that and collecting more tools at the same time.

    After considering ACX exterior ply I decided to spring for actual AB marine grade plywood for the mast step. One sheet is sitting in my garage waiting to be made into something useful.

    I intend to follow the path that Arne made for us regarding mast step construction. I purchased 1/2" plywood. I am planning on 12 layers total to give me a 6" thick mast step. Also following Arne and Phil I plan to make the top 4 layers (2") a separate section for the final alignment.

    To Answer your question, Phil, I have no idea if the keel trunk is square to the waterline but it is a more or less straight and flat surface that I can use for alignment.

    I am not sure how I would eyeball the waterline on this boat. Should I use bottom of the vinyl boot stripe decal and assume whoever put that on used the true water line? Should I attempt to use the top edge of the bottom paint? It is old and not a straight and continuous line. I thought about using the top edge of the 'scum' (I need to clean the hull) as the waterline. But even using this I would have to assume that the boat was loaded evenly last time she was in a boat slip. What exactly is 'the water line' on this hull?

    I watched a video about how to make and use a water level. I will very seriously consider making one. If I can decide on what to call 'the' water line then this would be very helpful.


    Last modified: 12 Jun 2019 20:16 | Anonymous member
  • 11 Jun 2019 20:21
    Reply # 7572979 on 6872873
    Deleted user

    For centering the mast step and deck opening, I found a plumb bob hung from a cup hook in a hole drilled in the cabin headliner to be most useful.  Once the right spot is found, then the thing just stays there - a constant companion in visualization.

    Along similar lines, if you have any intention of doing more significant interior modifications, this laser level thing has paid for itself a hundred times over.

  • 11 Jun 2019 15:35
    Reply # 7572383 on 7572206
    Deleted user
    Anonymous wrote:

    Up next is a problem I didn't think about until I tried to measure for the mast center location. Some how I need to identify which direction, exactly, is 0 degrees straight up from the hull through the deck. I am planning to use the forward edge of the keel trunk for this reference. My idea is to strap a bubble level to the forward edge of the trunk and then adjust the trailer until this is as level as I can get it. After that I can use a measuring tape and plumb bob to locate the mast center. Does anyone have a different suggestion?

    Can you know that the keel trunk is square to the waterline fore and aft? I used a four foot level and eyballed to the waterline fore/aft and port/sbd to level the boat on its trailer. A much better way would be to use a water level, not difficult to make with some clear tubing.  I built the mast step as Arne did and shows in his write up on Ingeborg. It was in two sections with the step base built up and epoxied to the hull and the upper section,which holds the mast, fastened to the base.  With a smaller boat I felt fine with just screwing the sections together. Having just a couple of lag screws in when I first stepped the mast gave me to option of adjusting the step some.
    Last modified: 11 Jun 2019 15:51 | Deleted user
  • 11 Jun 2019 13:52
    Reply # 7572206 on 6872873

    I took a rough measurement for where the mast will need to be. The wood box for the battery under the v-birth had to be removed. I got all the wood out with a jigsaw and some careful use of a hammer and chisel. The small fiberglass tabbings that were holding the box to the hull are really strong and all the wood was dry without any signs of rot. This gave be a lot of confidence in the overall build quality of the boat and condition of the hull. I will need to get back in with an angle grinder to get the fiberglass tabbings out and rough up the surface where the mast step will be fitted and installed.

    Up next is a problem I didn't think about until I tried to measure for the mast center location. Some how I need to identify which direction, exactly, is 0 degrees straight up from the hull through the deck. I am planning to use the forward edge of the keel trunk for this reference. My idea is to strap a bubble level to the forward edge of the trunk and then adjust the trailer until this is as level as I can get it. After that I can use a measuring tape and plumb bob to locate the mast center. Does anyone have a different suggestion?

    I also wanted to say 'Thank You' to the committee members and others who organized and ran the AGM. Your effort to make the JRA an organization, as well as the most well run sailing website, is really appreciated by me, personally.


    2 files
    Last modified: 11 Jun 2019 14:31 | Anonymous member
  • 24 May 2019 15:07
    Reply # 7389428 on 6872873

    Unless I missed something (likely!) I now have a completed sail. The loops for lacing the boom were the last things to be attached. I think 10 will be enough, but I am not sure.

    Arne, I have been too stingy to purchase AL tubes for battens yet. To follow your advice I bought a wooden dowel with the same diameter that the battens will have. I used this as the 'batten stub' to check the alignment of the larger hoops. I was not completely sure what I was checking for -- I settled on a goal of making sure the big hoops, and not the batten pockets, are holding the weight of the batten. Hopefully I got close enough to doing it 'right'.

    Now I have a sail and nothing else.

    I am not sure what to start on next. I think I might do the boat modifications in the 'bottom up' direction and work on the mast step.

    Does anyone have some advice on what to do next?

    1 file
    Last modified: 24 May 2019 15:14 | Anonymous member
  • 21 May 2019 18:39
    Reply # 7354179 on 6872873
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Yes, Scott,
    The throat area surely is a busy place on those sails, since I have brought the battens a bit close to each other there. The backside of Ingeborg's  sail looks just as overloaded with stitches as yours.

    I focus on getting the position of the big hoops right, in particular at the leech end where the sheets will try to drag the battens out of position., and therefore use a stub of batten tube to help me with that.

    You appear to be almost there!


  • 21 May 2019 14:06
    Reply # 7353492 on 6872873

    Thanks for the response, Arne. Knowing that at least one person read my post really helps me stay motivated.

    I have more webbing loops (or hoops?) sewn on now. I am happy with how most of them look. The only exception is near the throat. There is a lot going on right there. I think there is almost as much thread as there is cloth. I was not able to make long seams to attach the webbing in this area. All the layers are just too much for my machine to sew.

    Criticism from anyone is always welcome but I think I will just try it the way it is before making any changes.

    Next up is attaching the small loops to the foot of the sail. I think this will be the last step using the sewing machine.

    3 files
  • 14 May 2019 18:32
    Reply # 7341067 on 6872873
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I wouldn’t worry too much about that  -  I have found that I get away with most things on junkrigs. The very first blue, cambered panel sail I made for my Malena, in 1994 (NL 30), had full-length batten pockets, so there were no gaps for tying on the batten parrels or Hong Kong parrels.
    I didn’t worry about that  -  that was an experimental sail, and not expected to last, so I just burned holes with a solder iron to fit the batten parrels. That worked fine, no problem.

    So just keep up the good work!


    PS: That 'experimental sail' was in full use for 16-17 seasons...

  • 14 May 2019 13:29
    Reply # 7340262 on 6872873

    There is so much going on with the JRA at the moment. More forum discussion than I have seen before and all the AGM activity.

    I am trying to stick to the 'do at least a little bit every day' plan for my sail. I have marine vinyl batten pockets sewn on now. I ended up with inconsistent spacing between the forward and aft pockets somehow. I am not sure if that will be a problem. I plan to hold off on any rework until after I hoist the sail.

    1 file
    Last modified: 14 May 2019 19:44 | Anonymous member
  • 09 May 2019 13:27
    Reply # 7331182 on 6872873

    Thanks for the encouragement, Andrew.

    I do not actually have a mast, or mast step, or tabernacle yet. The boat is still in winter storage. It may be some time before I can actually hoist the sail. I would really like to be sailing under a junk rig before the end of this summer. I am not sure if that is a realistic goal.

    I attached the last of the aft batten pockets yesterday. Next up is marking and cutting out the pockets that will go near the mast.

    I may have been running my butane hot knife too hot, or pushing on it too much, or maybe it is just not intended to last forever. The hot knife tip bent and tore apart at the threads. I thought I would need to use a reverse drill bit to remove the threads. Fortunately after it cooled down I was able to unscrew it normally.

    Not shown in the photos: I have a big jar full of used basting staples. I spilled the whole thing all over the carpet. I am not sure I will ever find all of them. Always an adventure.

    2 files
    Last modified: 09 May 2019 19:36 | Anonymous member
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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