S2 6.7 Junk Rig Conversion

  • 26 Sep 2022 22:21
    Reply # 12932999 on 10932542
    Eric wrote:Bonjour

    It is the TPS ! The link was a video showing Escoffier jumping in the sea in the deep south in a TPS to be transfered to a navy ship. Temperature should be around 0°C !! Escoffier spent a night in a life raft before being recovered by an other Vendée Globe competitor. He didn't suffer hypothermie.

    The TPS is mandatory for the Mini Transat. Not many offshore boats are unsinkable. To wear a TPS in a life raft would make it much more confortable : it keeps dry and warm : luccury in such environnement. I would have one per crew offshore. (I have mine and an other ar home).

    I didn't had to use it formally. I was so tired that I had an hallucination and decided that my keel was moving, in the middle of no-where. So I went for a survival exercise and wore the TPS all night, just in case. At day light I went for a swim in my TPS to check my keel. It was of course sound !

    Bonjour Eric,

    Is there anywhere that I can actually buy the TPS right now? It is cold here now and the marine forecast used the word 'gale' for this week. I am starting to wonder if my wetsuit is really any good if I don't wear it all the time.

    This was the only thing I can find about the TPS:

    1 file
    Last modified: 26 Sep 2022 22:22 | Anonymous member
  • 26 Sep 2022 17:58
    Reply # 12932709 on 6872873

    I swear I cleaned the entire deck and cockpit just a few days before these videos. I can't keep up with the birds, bugs and spiders.

    I added telltales on my sail.

    First I tried them out on Lake Macatawa:

    Then I motored out the channel:

    And sailed on Lake Michigan:

    Last modified: 26 Sep 2022 17:59 | Anonymous member
  • 02 Sep 2022 14:26
    Reply # 12904528 on 12903522
    Len wrote:Sometimes the experience is worth more than the picture. Or to put it another way, the picture depends on the viewer having had the experience to make it really come alive. After that, the picture quality is less important.

    Hi Len, thank you for the response.

    I make these videos and photos for myself more than anyone. At the time they never seem to capture how it feels to be sailing. But, when I look at them again in January, somehow they bring back all the joy of sailing.

    I would still like one clear image of my sail filled with wind for the 'boat photo' part of my profile. I might try to rig something with a selfie stick lashed on to an oar for extra length.

    Last modified: 02 Sep 2022 15:41 | Anonymous member
  • 01 Sep 2022 15:15
    Reply # 12903522 on 12899919
    Anonymous wrote:

    I sail almost exclusively single handed. The junk rig makes this a lot more fun. But being out alone makes it difficult to get a good photo of the boat making way under sail.

    Sometimes the experience is worth more than the picture. Or to put it another way, the picture depends on the viewer having had the experience to make it really come alive. After that, the picture quality is less important.

    I took a video with my new (cheap) camera. It doesn't show anything new. I am sailing, the sheets are not quite right, and I need to clean the boat.


    Didn't notice the cleaning part but it did bring back the last sail I was on. Thank you for posting.
  • 29 Aug 2022 20:27
    Reply # 12899919 on 6872873

    I sail almost exclusively single handed. The junk rig makes this a lot more fun. But being out alone makes it difficult to get a good photo of the boat making way under sail.

    I would like to have a nice close photo for my profile. This blurry one from yesterday is the best I have.

    It was a really nice day for sailing. I went about 4 miles out. I came back so I could work today. I would have preferred to stay out sailing overnight.

    I took a video with my new (cheap) camera. It doesn't show anything new. I am sailing, the sheets are not quite right, and I need to clean the boat.


    1 file
    Last modified: 29 Aug 2022 22:39 | Anonymous member
  • 14 Jul 2022 16:14
    Reply # 12848566 on 12848208
    Annie wrote:

    I always flake both sheet and halliard and never have problems with twists or kinks, but then I built deck boxes specifically to hold them out of the way. 

    I'm afraid that the twisting halliard has everything to do with the swivel blocks and hardly anything to do with the rope, although three strand would be worse than braided.  Do yourself a favour and fix those blocks.  At worst, the twist can get so bad that you can neither raise nor lower the sail.  New rope always wants to twist anyway, at first, so if you are reeving brand new rope through those swivel blocks, you might end up with a headache.

    I raised the full sail about 3 times getting the parrels attached. No twisting so far. I am flaking the lines into a pile on the cockpit seat for now. Building a deck box or a mesh bag is on the TODO list. The list is very long.

    I will fix them in place next time the mast is down. I think I will need to experience some twist problems before I am motivated enough to take it down.

    Last modified: 18 Jul 2022 15:54 | Anonymous member
  • 14 Jul 2022 06:06
    Reply # 12848214 on 12845170
    Anonymous wrote:

    One trick I have learned is if you coil a rope clockwise every time, then you introduce twist in the rope. If you alternate between coiling clockwise then coiling anticlockwise, the twist cancels out and you get a nice relaxed rope that runs easily and does not twist when hoisted.

    I learnt this trick when I read Brion Toss "The Riggers Apprentice": alternate the way the loops are coiled (he calls it alternate hitch coiling). The technique is a bit like making a series of clove hitches over your hand. A few decades later it comes naturally and I have to force myself to do it any other way.

  • 14 Jul 2022 04:58
    Reply # 12848208 on 6872873

    I always fake both sheet and halliard and never have problems with twists or kinks, but then I built deck boxes specifically to hold them out of the way. 

    I'm afraid that the twisting halliard has everything to do with the swivel blocks and hardly anything to do with the rope, although three strand would be worse than braided.  Do yourself a favour and fix those blocks.  At worst, the twist can get so bad that you can neither raise nor lower the sail.  New rope always wants to twist anyway, at first, so if you are reeving brand new rope through those swivel blocks, you might end up with a headache.

  • 13 Jul 2022 03:31
    Reply # 12846854 on 12845170
    David wrote:

    One trick I have learned is if you coil a rope clockwise every time, then you introduce twist in the rope. If you alternate between coiling clockwise then coiling anticlockwise, the twist cancels out and you get a nice relaxed rope that runs easily and does not twist when hoisted.

    Hi David,

    Thank you for the suggestion. I will consider doing this if I coil the rope. For now I will hope that this single braid rope works some magic and try not to coil it often, if ever.


  • 12 Jul 2022 22:02
    Reply # 12846526 on 6872873
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On my three last junks I have not had problems with twist in the halyard. My guess is that this has two reasons:

    • There are two blocks at the masthead plus two blocks or points at the slingpoint on the yard, sitting about 20cm apart. Together these will prevent the halyard from making a big twist.
    • The tail of the halyard has not been coiled in my last three boats (Johanna, Frøken Sørensen and Ingeborg). They are all being stuffed in a canvas bag, mountain-climber style.

    In case a rope has developed twist somehow, I toss one end over board and tow it for a while behind the boat, before hauling it back in. 
    Even the sheet is never being coiled. During sailing it is dropped randomly on the cockpit floor. After the trip, the line is stuffed in a bag, just as the halyard.

    This works well for me.


       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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