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  • 20 Aug 2011 00:45
    Reply # 680293 on 680254
    Gary Pick wrote:Bit the bullet yesterday and drilled a pilot hole through the skeg and hull for the prop shaft. I didn't do to badly with it and got close to the right alignment. I will be able to correct the error when I bore it out for the sterntube. The two big projects for this year are fitting the ballast/keel and getting the  prop and shaft fitted.
    When I put in Tystie's sterntube, I too got a pilot hole that was close - but no cigar. Then I bored a hole for the sterntube that was sufficiently oversize that the tube (of GRP) would go in straight, supported it in the right position, blocked up the bottom end of the hole, around the tube, with epoxy filler and poured liquid epoxy in around the tube from the top end. Worked fine.
  • 19 Aug 2011 22:54
    Reply # 680254 on 644008
    Bit the bullet yesterday and drilled a pilot hole through the skeg and hull for the prop shaft. I didn't do to badly with it and got close to the right alignment. I will be able to correct the error when I bore it out for the sterntube. The two big projects for this year are fitting the ballast/keel and getting the  prop and shaft fitted.
  • 16 Aug 2011 10:39
    Reply # 677351 on 644008
    I'm 34 kgs off having enough lead ingots to cast my ballast. I've been melting down wheel balance weights, old deep cycle batteries etc. A friend has made the mould for me and today amongst other jobs I started jacking the boat up high enough to fit the keel. Not to mention making it easier to cut the prop shaft/stern tube hole through the hull.
  • 06 Jul 2011 03:06
    Reply # 644668 on 644008
    For the price of having a head gasket replaced but you are right.:D
    It think the head gasket was on the way out anyway.
  • 06 Jul 2011 02:50
    Reply # 644639 on 644008
    Deleted user
    But it was worth it. You got in 2 sails and a hunk of SS for the price of a head gasket.
  • 05 Jul 2011 11:23
    Message # 644008
    A bit over a week ago I did my own little road trip of around 1,300 kms there and back. A friend had offered a Pushpit and Pulpit to me for free and if I went down to collect them there was a good chance of a sail on his Folkboat Pipsqueak. Well the trip down was fine and the stay was tops. No sailing but some fine motoring around sightseeing on the bay at Port Stephens. On the Sunday we went out on another friends 38 ft Cat and did some whale watching, we saw around 30 Humpbacks. Just magnificient  creatures. The rails turned out to be pretty much what I had hoped and the Pushpit will just need widening by 840mm and it will be perfect. The drive home started ominously when I had real trouble getting the Ute to start but once warmed up it seemed fine. Sadly though by the time I managed to get home it was blowing smoke, running rough and generally not happy. The diagnosis is a blown headgasket...$$$ ouch!
    But such is life.
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       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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