
  • 27 Feb 2012 21:44
    Reply # 837421 on 644008
    As I said to Kerry over a glass of wine a couple nights back, in 4 months our lives are going to change. So Annie, anything is possible.
  • 27 Feb 2012 21:03
    Reply # 837368 on 644008
    Seems like you've really made progress over the past twelvemonth, Gary.  And the end is in sight.  Good for you.  We'll see you over here, yet!
  • 27 Feb 2012 10:31
    Reply # 836713 on 836485
    Paul Thompson wrote:
    Gary Pick wrote:I'm very close to finishing the fitout, well as much as I'm going to do before the launch anyway. So here's link to a few photos.
    Upholstery next I guess while I wait for the rain to go away and I can pour my ballast.

    Gary, she's looking good. Not long now :-)

    Hi Paul, yes it's close. I spent the day vacuuming dust and sawdust out of the bilge and wiping down lockers and surfaces. Apart from upholstery all the internal stuff is more wiring and attaching bits. On Wednesday I'm off in search of timber for my Yard.
  • 27 Feb 2012 03:50
    Reply # 836485 on 836035
    Gary Pick wrote:I'm very close to finishing the fitout, well as much as I'm going to do before the launch anyway. So here's link to a few photos.
    Upholstery next I guess while I wait for the rain to go away and I can pour my ballast.

    Gary, she's looking good. Not long now :-)
  • 26 Feb 2012 10:46
    Reply # 836035 on 644008
    I'm very close to finishing the fitout, well as much as I'm going to do before the launch anyway. So here's link to a few photos.
    Upholstery next I guess while I wait for the rain to go away and I can pour my ballast.
  • 23 Feb 2012 15:37
    Reply # 833498 on 644008
    Deleted user
    Better start saving your beans.
    Its worth it!
    re: safety gear, its the compulsory EPIRB that gets you. #$@% nanny state!
    In WA I have to get a skippers ticket too, if the outboard is more than 6hp.
  • 23 Feb 2012 11:17
    Reply # 833340 on 644008
    Today I chased up the hourly rates for a truck to get the boat to the river bank and a crane to float it, Probably around $700-$800. Tonight I started looking at the legal costs of floating a boat. That's registration etc and that is another $500 or so. Then there's the cost of a mooring, $800-$1500.. After that there is the safety gear I HAVE to have before I can go more than 2 NM offshore. I think I need to win Lotto...but that means spending money on a ticket!
    Well I knew it wasn't going to be cheap...sigh.
  • 16 Feb 2012 11:02
    Reply # 826769 on 822097
    Gary Pick wrote:
    Gary King wrote:I thought you were going to use Barton blocks, that's my plan so far..

    Gary I had completely forgotten about them and thank you for reminding me. Too many lists I guess. Denman Marine in Tassy is apparently the rep for them here and I have emailed for some prices.

    I have ordered  a double and a triple Barton block today for a 5 part halyard. These are the 15220 at $65.00 and the 15320 at $76 including GST.

  • 10 Feb 2012 20:46
    Reply # 822097 on 821680
    Gary King wrote:I thought you were going to use Barton blocks, that's my plan so far..

    Gary I had completely forgotten about them and thank you for reminding me. Too many lists I guess. Denman Marine in Tassy is apparently the rep for them here and I have emailed for some prices.
  • 10 Feb 2012 12:53
    Reply # 821680 on 644008
    Deleted user
    I thought you were going to use Barton blocks, that's my plan so far..
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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