
  • 21 Apr 2012 13:38
    Reply # 896705 on 644008
    Two days of no rain and the forecast for:

    Tuesday 24 April

    Partly cloudy. Patchy rain tending to isolated showers later in the day. Light winds. Overnight temperatures falling to between 15 and 18 with daytime temperatures reaching the mid to high 20s.

    With the risk of tempting fate I think I might just get my ballast poured.

    Fingers, toes and a few other bits crossed for dry weather.:D

  • 18 Apr 2012 03:17
    Reply # 892020 on 644008
    I spent part of yesterday drilling holes through the plugged ends of the battens. A good tool for doing this is the Forstner Bit, it doesn't split or splinter the bamboo. You really need a drillpress for this job as the bit doesn't cut much of a pilot hole to start with. If you drill right though there will be some slight splintering of the outer layer. My way around this was to drill halfway though then switch to a twist bit and drill right through with that. That way you have a pilot hole to guide you from the other side.

  • 16 Apr 2012 08:22
    Reply # 890593 on 644008
    All the plugs are now made and glued in. I came across this supplier of fibreglass, kevlar and carbon fibre sleeves and thought they might be a good idea for bamboo battens.
  • 14 Apr 2012 08:01
    Reply # 889454 on 644008
    I've put a couple of photos of the batten end plugs in my profile album. They are not that hard to turn up on the lathe.
  • 13 Apr 2012 23:02
    Reply # 889299 on 644008
    You are right about bamboo splitting David, it's not like drilling wood that is for sure. It can be done though albeit very carefully.
  • 13 Apr 2012 21:43
    Reply # 889243 on 644008
    GRP pultruded tube is very like synthetic bamboo, in that will split when you try to drill it. A bandage of glass tape and resin round the end fixes it. Perhaps if you drill through the bamboo, you might do the same, or whip around the end with some synthetic string and resin?
  • 13 Apr 2012 13:51
    Reply # 888990 on 644008
    Two days to the pour and it's started raining :-{
    The Yard and Boom are finished and I've started cutting the bamboo battens to length. I've been wondering about the best method to tension up the Luff and Leech on the battens and I am experimenting with an idea. I am turning up wooden plugs for the ends. These are glued into the ends and have a section that protrudes with a hole through it for the tensioning line. I have realised through writing this that I really only need the plug section and I can drill a hole through the bamboo and the much simpler.
  • 02 Apr 2012 12:57
    Reply # 874397 on 644008
    Finished cementing the mold in the ground, now the wait.
    My Barton ball bearing blocks for the Halyard arrived today.
  • 29 Mar 2012 21:08
    Reply # 871875 on 644008
    Arne I have 806 kgs of lead sitting in the melter, the chucks range in size from 4kgs to 115 kgs.  The 4 big chunks were chainsawed from the cast ballast of a canceled yacht build. The mold will be bone dry because I also know what it feels like, it was only a very small bit but I remember.
    Gary it is a manual windlass and I can't remember the brand. It was given to me and probably dates from the 70s or 80s. I don't really need it on a boat this size but figured what the hell, use it.
  • 29 Mar 2012 18:03
    Reply # 871734 on 644008
    Deleted user
    Was just looking at your photo album Gary. Fine looking ship!
    Is that a manual windlass I see? Rare as hens teeth around here.. which brand would that be?
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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