
  • 28 Dec 2013 09:31
    Reply # 1464238 on 1463905
    Gary King wrote:It is a nice vid and nostalgic too, shows how nice the countryside is, where you live too.

    It's the growing season here now, building up to the Wet season. Everything is not just green, it's GREEN and it's what drew me away from Western Australia all those years ago.
  • 27 Dec 2013 09:50
    Reply # 1463905 on 644008
    Deleted user
    It is a nice vid and nostalgic too, shows how nice the countryside is, where you live too.
  • 27 Dec 2013 08:09
    Reply # 1463882 on 644008
    Thank you Jonathan, high praise indeed and I am proud of what I have done. My friend Peter Maguire did the video, for which I consider myself exceptional lucky. Considering he can earn my annual income in two days doing that for a living.
  • 26 Dec 2013 14:50
    Reply # 1463535 on 644008


    Thank you for the video.  If ever a picture painted a thousand words ...


    Your worldwide junk rig community salutes your achievement. 


  • 25 Dec 2013 21:06
    Reply # 1463347 on 644008
    Thank you Roy. I don't seem to have mastered posting links here yet.
  • 25 Dec 2013 11:43
    Reply # 1463265 on 644008
    Deleted user

    Brilliant video ( here's a working link), lovely boat, one happy man.

    Have some great sailing and a Merry Christmas.

  • 25 Dec 2013 10:41
    Reply # 1463258 on 644008
    A good friend who filmed the launching of Redwing presented me with the finished video today. I'm putting it on Youtube. I'm very impressed with it and it made me feel a bit emotional watching it. This is the link.
    Last modified: 25 Dec 2013 11:43 | Anonymous member
  • 24 Dec 2013 03:25
    Reply # 1462933 on 1462927
    Gary King wrote:Y' learn doncha?
    I think the only reason we havent done anything really silly on Ashiki yet is because we did them all on the previous boat..  I thought you would have called up your friends in sea rescue to give you a tow (done that too - in the other boat).
    The thought very briefly crossed my mind but I was determined to get myself out of trouble. Besides I would have copped so much stick from them on my next roster day I would never live it down.:)
    I've really got to get a tender though, running her in till the keel touches is a poor option.

  • 24 Dec 2013 02:55
    Reply # 1462927 on 644008
    Deleted user
    Y' learn doncha?
    I think the only reason we havent done anything really silly on Ashiki yet is because we did them all on the previous boat..  I thought you would have called up your friends in sea rescue to give you a tow (done that too - in the other boat).
  • 24 Dec 2013 02:20
    Reply # 1462919 on 644008
    There's two factors here that weren't in my favour. One was the wind direction, the port tack put us on a course virtually at right angles to the direction of the river and a flood tide. the second was the wind itself, it wasn't blowing steady but gusting and then dying off. I'd get a good run on the starboard tack, go to tack and and the wind would ease and she'd stall. The result was we would have to fall off and end off closer and closer to a lee shore.
    I could come up with lots of reasons which may or may not be true. I was under a lot of pressure to be home in time and this probably affected my decision making more than anything.
    I know she tacks well on both tacks but for what ever reason I just couldn't get it right yesterday. it was probably more to do with not enough experience. I worked out a solution and got us out of trouble and home in time to drop a friend off at the airport but I wouldn't want to repeat the day.
    Biggest mistake was not having enough fuel on board.
       " ...there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in junk-rigged boats" 
                                                               - the Chinese Water Rat

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