Edward Hooper wrote:
By the way did you have a Drogue or sea anchor out when you had your two knock-downs in the South Atlantic? Would a Jordan Series Drogue (or similar) have helped Tystie cope with the Southern Ocean?
No, Edward, wind conditions weren't at all bad, at 30 knots. We were sailing slowly, and had no need to slow down further. The seas were the problem - they got, not fast, but very confused due to two ocean currents meeting, and to the wind having veered through a large angle. They got very pointy, and we just fell off the top of them. This was South Atlantic, rather than Southern Ocean. It's about where Bill King got rolled in Galway Blazer, not a nice piece of ocean at all.
I do carry a single drogue, to stop me hurtling too fast down wave slopes and crashing into the trough at the bottom - the major cause of damage - but have never needed it. I do carry a parachute sea anchor, to keep me off a lee shore
in extremis, but have never needed it. The Jordan lies somewhere between those two. I appreciate its benefits, just haven't got around to making one. If I did do a Southern Ocean passage, well south of 40 deg, I would.