Roy Denton wrote:
Interesting guidance on length of naps during work shifts here :-
Interesting stuff here from the other folks who need to "Cat-nap", apart from single-handers. The range of times from 10 to 26 minutes is exactly what I use, according to my judgement of the circumstances.
Even in the middle of an unpredictable fishing fleet, it's possible to snatch 10 minutes, and it makes all the difference to alertness.
I find that I can reliably see a ship at 6 miles range in clear weather, but not further. With a common ships's speed of 10 -16 knots, and therefore a closing speed of say 18 knots, that's 20 minutes to being too close together. However there are now ships making 22 knots, earning more money by delivering their cargos faster, and they are the difficult ones, being smaller, faster and quieter. They can be on top of me in 12 minutes, and it's with them that having an AIS receiver has made a lot of difference. 12 minutes isn't a lot of time to react, even if I see them at 6 miles, and in a haze, I'm not going to see them at that range.
But when well clear of shipping lanes, 26 minutes is about the longest I'd want to go without checking on the state of the wind and weather. I won't be turning in for a night's sleep, offshore.
The one thing I'd take issue with is the use of caffeine or other mind-altering drugs. Sure, caffeine gives you a "lift" when you need it, but then it gives you a "drop", of twice the height of the "lift". So you take more caffeine. You can't go on doing this forever, though, and you just have to go to sleep, like it or not - just as 250,000 tons of bulk carrier comes over the horizon. Better to get the cat-napping pattern established as soon as possible, and get your head down whenever there's nothing that needs your attention. That way, you get some sleep in the bank for the times when you have to be on deck and alert.