Mark Thomasson wrote:
Very much enjoyed this subject and all the wonderful replies from sailors with real experience. Isn't the JRA great!
Small clarifiction for Jonathan, does the AIS transmit as well as recieve? Given a choice, which would come first the Sea-me or the AIS?
many thanks
Mark Thomasson
Mark, Good question.
For OSTAR 2009 it was a requirement to have an active radar target enhancer. I bought a Sea Me (it is not the only make) which at that time was produced as X band only. There was no requirement to have AIS but I decided to buy a passive AIS, sometimes referred to as an "AIS radar" because of the radar like display. I thought that the Sea Me with the bleeper on would tell me when we (that is Lexia and I) had been hit by a radar and then I would look at the passive AIS to see what ships nearby were transimitting AIS signatures. The passive AIS radar was cheapish, say £200 and effective, although it had only a black and grey screen. To allow it to function through the masthead VHF antenna at the same time (or at least mulitplexed) with the VHF radio, I purchased a splitter. This also allows the FM radio to use the antenna. The splitter requires power, but a small load only, although it is yet another 24 hour load.
For AZAB 2011 I am still required to have an active radar target enhancer. However Sea Me (and others) have produced dual X and S band machines and so I decided to trade in my original with Sea Me and paid the difference for a X and S band machine.
However, it is now an ISAF Category One requirement to have an "AIS transponder" ie send and receive. This has I presume been prompted by the production of Class B sets aimed at the leisure market. They do not include all the whistles that the Class A commercial sets include, but they include all the bells that a small boat leisure sailor is likely to require. My Raymarine set cost about £800 from memory. (The cheapest supplier I could find in UK was Redcar Electonics who were very helpful and effecient.) It is colour and bright, which I find very helpful as the eyes are not what they used to be. Fortunately the splitter was adequate for an active Class B, but would not have been suitable for an active Class A.
As so often, I considered keeping the passive set as a reserve for the active set but decided that this was probably not justified. I have sold it to someone else in Millbay marina for half what I paid for it.
Now to your question, given a choice which would come first, Sea Me or AIS. The answer must be AIS. I base this on the assumption that you have or at a reasonable cost could have a passive radar reflector, which goes someway to meet the need to be seen on radar. However, AIS has provided a whole new world of safety enhancement and the only way into that is to buy a set. For the cost of a passive set and a separate antenna or an antenna splitter, you can be part of that scene. If you take the view that the best rule of collision safety is for the small sail boat sailor to assume that might is right, a passive set gives you sufficient information to avoid all the big commercial vessels that will constantly tell you exactly what they are, what their name and call sign and MMSI are, where they are, what they are doing, where they are going and how near you and they will pass (closest point of approach) and when that will happen. You can also set range rings and warnings. If your VHF set is modern and up market, (mine isn't), it can be linked to the AIS so that you can highlight a target on the AIS screen and call it on VHF DSC automatically. For me to call a ship digitally, I would have to enter their MMSI on my radio which is at best tortuous. I would however at least be able to call it by name. I generally keep the screen as "North Up" but if it is getting a bit hectic and I am tired, I will switch to "Course Up" which helps to tell me where I should look from the boat, eg "port bow", without having to do any mental gymnastics.
However, if you can afford it, an active AIS gives another reassurance that you have done everything possible to give them their best possible chance of avoiding hitting you, if that is what the collision avoidance rules say that they should do. Then an active AIS would definitely be a priority purchase over a Sea Me. Remember the Ouzo collision. With active AIS on both vessels (not practical then but practical now) they would probably not have collided.
However, don't forget that for motor vessels engaged in fishing, you as a sail boat are the give way vessel.
I talked recently to someone who drives big "Grey Funnel Line" vessels and he pointed out that on operations or exercises, they may switch off their AIS, radars and lights, for obvious reasons, which just goes to show that you can take your precautions only so far ...
I hope that all that helps.
As regards the Series Drogue, I have now spoken to Mr Oceanbrake, who is adamant that the drogue needs to be attached with a bridle from each quarter, for geometric and dynamic reasons, so a bridle it has to be, although I will ask for extra length to back it up to the midships cleats and for webbing tube as sacrificial chafe at the fairleads.