US visitors

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  • 23 Feb 2011 16:55
    Reply # 531468 on 529092
    Deleted user
    Yep, the dinghy is a Tortoise - I built it based on Annie's recommendation from VoaSI. You can find the goofy story about the dink on our website, complete with champagne launching photos:
  • 23 Feb 2011 00:18
    Reply # 531102 on 530479
    Deleted user
    Barry Stellrecht wrote: I've struggled with this for years, finally coming to the conclusion that it has to do with American culture, which encourages us to be consumers and conformists.

    Our red-hulled boat with two bright blue masts sticks out like a sore thumb here in Florida, where all the other boats are white with aluminum masts. Don't even ask about our dinghy...everybody knows us as the couple who take turns rowing a goofy wooden shoebox back and forth to the dinghy dock.

    The only other junk we've seen cruising in Florida this season has been Melodien, which recently headed for the Bahamas.

    s/v Flutterby, in Vero Beach

    Good to hear from you. Is the shoebox dinghy a Bolger design?
  • 23 Feb 2011 00:14
    Reply # 531094 on 530599
    Deleted user
    David Tyler wrote: Take heart, you US junkies. In Google Analytics,  the US of A was second in the league table during the last week, with 111 visits from 24 states. Do they really sail in Oklahoma?

    Oh yeah. There's a Sail Oklahoma group on Yahoo. There's two (at least) huge lakes down there. I check in with the group from time to time, there's a bunch of puddle Duckers there. In fact, I think I've recommended our group in a posting or two over there. Good to hear there are some more US visitors and even members!
  • 22 Feb 2011 07:30
    Reply # 530599 on 529092
    Take heart, you US junkies. In Google Analytics,  the US of A was second in the league table during the last week, with 111 visits from 24 states. Do they really sail in Oklahoma?
  • 22 Feb 2011 01:45
    Reply # 530479 on 529092
    Deleted user
    I've struggled with this for years, finally coming to the conclusion that it has to do with American culture, which encourages us to be consumers and conformists.

    Our red-hulled boat with two bright blue masts sticks out like a sore thumb here in Florida, where all the other boats are white with aluminum masts. Don't even ask about our dinghy...everybody knows us as the couple who take turns rowing a goofy wooden shoebox back and forth to the dinghy dock.

    The only other junk we've seen cruising in Florida this season has been Melodien, which recently headed for the Bahamas.

    s/v Flutterby, in Vero Beach
    Last modified: 22 Feb 2011 01:45 | Deleted user
  • 21 Feb 2011 16:56
    Reply # 530105 on 529681
    Deleted user
    Annie Hill wrote: 'Cos when you live in a tiny iitle country at the 'bottom of the world' you tend to look at life from a different angle!

    That's some comfort. I was afraid the people of the US were just largely stupider. :(
  • 20 Feb 2011 20:27
    Reply # 529681 on 529092
    'Cos when you live in a tiny iitle country at the 'bottom of the world' you tend to look at life from a different angle!
  • 19 Feb 2011 14:13
    Message # 529092
    Deleted user
    I see on the visitors record that we're starting to get some US visitors, which pleases me no end. For a while there I was the only US visitor showing on the map, dead in the center of North America. So US visitors, I'd be grateful if you'd reply to this post or, if you're already members, start a US visitors thread on the Yacht Club Bar. I mean, fer cryin' out loud, I love our New Zealand contingency, but how come we can't come up with as many junkies in the US as in tiny little New Zealand?
    Last modified: 19 Feb 2011 14:13 | Deleted user
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