Opinions wanted on mast size for 32 ft. Junk Schooner. Help please!

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  • 15 May 2016 06:25
    Message # 4020800

    Hi everyone,

    I wanted to get some opinions on the masts I have found for my "as yet un-named -and -un-launched" Samson C-Mist 32. (Fiberglass version)

    She is a 32 ft. , heavy displacement ,double ender …that closely resembles a Westsail 32 .

    I was first thinking of a junk sloop rig with one massive sail ….. but it would require too much surgery to her incredible beautiful interior…. and after tons of research , walking the deck , checking and double checking …it appears she can be rigged as a Junk Schooner  ….without destroying too much interior. 2 smaller sails on a boat this size seems a bit more prudent anyway.

    I wrote to Asmat Downey about his beautiful Wylo II , and he graciously sent me some of his sail drawings. They are a near perfect fit for my boat as well ….as both  boats are very similar in specifications.

    She is:  (my C-mist ..that is)

    LOA 32'2"

    LWL 27'6"

    Beam 11'2

    Draft 5'0

    Displacement 18,750 lbs.

    total sail area (cutter rig) 605 square ft.

    The sail plan will be 2 , flat cut Hasler style sails with perhaps a bit of camber in the lower panels.

    Mainsail approx 460 sq. ft and foresail approx 200 sq ft.

    I have sourced a few masts VERY CHEAP ….and I am pretty certain they will work , but I'd really like a few opinions please?!

    Mainmast: salvaged from a Freedom or Nonesuch , is  Aluminum, 43 ft. total length, 5/16" wall thickness , 8" bottom diameter tapering to 3.75" at the top

    the foremast is hollow timber , off a very old Gaff rig but totally solid with no rot:

    35 ft. total length , 5" bottom diameter tapering to 2.5 " at the top.

    I was thinking of sheathing it in 1 layer of fiberglass.

    Please tell me these poles will be strong enough?!?!?!?!?!?



    Last modified: 15 May 2016 15:53 | Anonymous member
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